Cheapest GPU ULTRA gaming @ 1080p 60fps


Dec 6, 2015
Title says it all what is the cheapest GPU to play every game at 1080p ultra at 60 fps so now overkill for 1440p or 4K thanks!

Honestly it depends on your games you want to play, what cpu do you have BTW?

Games such as GTA V H1Z1 some other stuff

An i think iam going intel core i5 skylake probably 6600 or 6600k


Lol i dont want to play games such as ark did u even read.

I have a friend with a GTX 970 and he can play GTA V 60 FPS ultra, may be he low the AA or something but is not too much. i have 980Ti, is the best but too expensive. i Recommend you a Asus 970 Strix or a gigabyte. Remember, ultra on PC have many other settings you can low and the games looks the same.

You said GTA V did you not? You'll absolutely need a 980 for that if you go with a single card set up.

They are kind of right. A Fury Nano or a 980 will 100% guarantee the 60 fps you are looking for but honestly a 390 or a 970 will give you 60 fps in damn near every game. If you're ok with getting 50 in some games (like 1 out of 10) then go with a 390 or 970. If you NEED 60 fps then go with the Fury Nano because it's just a better card than the 980 and the price was cut to 499 USD recently. 390 vs 970 Nano VS 980

I will go r9 390 as i think its better . And i think a 980 is too overkill.

Great choice! I love my 390x! Remember to select your "Best answer!" :)

If you look at my post I told them that and provided benchmarks. I am sure they saw them and then decided based on what I said. What part of that makes it seem like they didn't observe what was posted?

Iam getting a headache. I said i dont want to play extreme strong games such as ark and crysis 3.

Honestly even Crysis 3 will get 60 fps at 1080p with that GPU. the game that will run between 50-60 fps on very high is GTAV. Now I will say there have been driver updates since the last benchmark was done at Anandtech. It might now get 60 fps on very high but I don't know TBH.