The title is self explanatory but I will describe the problem I am having for some extra context. I am trying to get an old HP desktop Windows 10 ready for a client. and before you say get a new PC, he is unwilling to put in th extra money. It is a second PC that is used rarely. For whatever reason the compatibility wizard said his integrated AMD graphics are not going to cut it. I picked up a Corsiar CX450M power supply knowing full well that the power supply it shipped with was probably not going to cut it. I purchased an EVGA GT710 as an inexpensive option to add a little extra horsepower under the hood. I went into the Bios to make sure the dedicated card would be selected for video output. To my surprise, I didn't receive any signal whatsoever. I installed the GT 710 in one of my PCs and it is seen just fine. I then installed an old 8800 GTS and a higher watt power supply. it worked like a dream. I came to the conclusion that the motherboard is just unable to send enough watts through the PCIe slot. Am I wrong in thinking this? If I am correct I would appreciate any inexpensive and even refurbished graphics card recommendations.