Check On Near Final Build


Aug 15, 2012
Get a 128GB ssd - they perform better if they have 30-40% of their space unused, so a 64GB will be a LOT slower than a 128 with 64GB used.

Get the 3570k if you're gaming - no games use hyperthreading. If you use Photoshop or video editors a LOT, then get the i7.

You're on an ATX board, so it _should_ be good.

Both those motherboards are way too expensive. The one you have now is good if it's on sale, but if not go for something cheaper. (The Gigabyte z77x-ud3h is an amazing board for overclocking with, and a fair bit cheaper.)

If you want, your rig would perform fairly smoothly with a 120Hz monitor - that means you can play at a hundred twenty frames a second, instead of sixty. It's bloody awesome. If you do that route, BenQ makes AMAZING 120Hz monitors.