China Warns U.S. On Naval Exercises

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Jul 17, 2010
China Warns U.S. On Naval Exercises as North Korea Promises Retaliation

Kurt Nimmo
November 26, 2010

China has warned the United States against engaging in military activity on its coastline.

“We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China’s exclusive economic zone without approval,” China’s Foreign Ministry replied in response to a question about the inclusion of a U.S. Aircraft carrier strike group participating in the joint exercise.

The exclusive economic zone is a maritime zone up to 200 nautical miles from a country’s coast.

It was reported today that Obama would be speaking with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao in coming days. China has refused to condemn North Korea’s attack.

The Chinese statement arrives ahead of U.S.-South Korean naval exercises, according to Reuters. Earlier in the week, the Pentagon sent the USS George Washington and four other Navy ships to the Yellow Sea after North Korea shelled South Korean soldiers and civilians in response to South Korean military exercises.

“We oppose any military act by any party conducted in China’s exclusive economic zone without approval,” China’s Foreign Ministry replied in response to a question about the inclusion of a U.S. Aircraft carrier strike group participating in the joint exercise.

The exclusive economic zone is a maritime zone up to 200 nautical miles from a country’s coast.

It was reported today that Obama would be speaking with his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao in coming days. China has refused to condemn North Korea’s attack.

The Chinese statement arrives ahead of U.S.-South Korean naval exercises, according to Reuters. Earlier in the week, the Pentagon sent the USS George Washington and four other Navy ships to the Yellow Sea after North Korea shelled South Korean soldiers and civilians in response to South Korean military exercises.

In a statement from the U.S. Navy’s Seventh Fleet, the military exercises are described as a measure to show the United States’ “commitment to regional stability through deterrence.” Joint military exercises with the South Koreans begin on Sunday. North Korea has promised “waves of retaliation” if provoked.

Asian experts and political commentators warn the provocative military exercises near the North Korean and Chinese borders may result in war on the Korean Peninsula. North and South Korea have engaged in heightened saber-rattling since the incident earlier in the week.

On Friday, North Korea engaged in artillery drills within sight of the island bombed last week. The attack killed two soldiers and two civilians. Gen. Walter Sharp, the U.S. commander in South Korea, was on the island touring the damage at the time. “None of the latest rounds hit the South’s territory, and U.S. military officials said Sharp did not even hear the concussions, though residents on other parts of the island panicked and ran back to the air raid shelters where they huddled earlier in the week as white smoke rose from North Korean territory,” reports the Associated Press.
“The situation on the Korean peninsula is inching closer to the brink of war,” a report issued by the North’s official Korean Central News Agency said. Pyongyang’s military “precisely aimed and hit the enemy artillery base” on the island as punishment for South Korean military drills, said a North Korean official, who also warned of a “shower of dreadful fire” in response to the joint U.S.-South Korean exercises. “Gone are the days when verbal warnings are served only.”

In South Korea, the situation has resulted in political chaos.

Following the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island, South Korean president Lee Myung-bak accepted the resignation of his defense minister and ordered more troops and advanced weaponry to the maritime border with North Korea. “We should not ease our sense of crisis in preparation for the possibility of another provocation by North Korea,” spokesman Hong Sang-pyo said, quoting the South Korean president. “A provocation like this can recur any time.” Myung-bak appointed his security adviser Lee Hee-Won as his new defense minister.

“The South Korean media is baying for blood (or at least air strikes), the South Korean defense minister has fallen on his sword, and extra troops have been posted on the outlying islands,” writes Peter Foster for the Telegraph.

“If the North Koreans continue to act in this provocative way, it’s fair to ask the question, where does that all end in terms of South Korea’s ability to simply continue to turn the other cheek,” said Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd. “This question goes to the heart of the political and security order of the world, [and] it’s important, I believe, for China to step up to the plate,” said Rudd after talking to the U.S. secretary of state, Hillary Clinton.

“The pressing task now is to put the situation under control and prevent a recurrence of similar incidents,” said Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi today after talking with Clinton by phone. Yang Jiechi also spoke with the South Korean foreign minister and the North Korean ambassador to China.
China Warns U.S. On Naval Exercises

So. N. Korea has been doing this for decades. This is their way to see what they can get in exchange for their cooperation to cease the aggressive acts to this point.

See Korean war history of.

See McArthur who commanded U.S. troops and cut through N. Korea like a hot knife through butter to the China border. When hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops pushed the U.S. back to the 38th parrellel, McArthur was denied his request to use nucleur weapons against China.

See the history of the Marine 1st batallion where my dad spent one year on the ground in Korea in the mid 50's. My father was shot and wounded several times and received the Purlple Heart and Distinguised Service medals in Korea. He was considered a potential Congressional Medal of Honor reciepient. He fought in and helped dig the ditches that currently seperate N. and S. Korea. The Chinese are hard to kill one at a time. We should have listened to McArthur and settled this more than fifty years ago. When the current regime in N. Korea is brought down is when the Korean War as we know it will end.
If our troops were not in S. Korea, you would not be buying any Japanese, Taiwanees, S. Korean or any Asian made electronics today, Black Friday or any other day. No Toyota, Hyundai, Honda, etc., etc. either. All of Asia would be communist.
I think the KIA should disappear for the same reasons the Hugo did. We wasted more time with this little douche bag than should have been tolerated. Little ( craps ) like this forgot how fast we turned Iraq into a 5th world country, knocking them back at least 50 years. Doesn't he realize we could do it to him ? I have no problem with turning the Korean peninsula to dust and wouldn't hesitate to push the button. Should have been done in the 50's..... China too.
Yeah, Saddam could have had ALL our money and be in control of all the the oil in the middle east by now. No regrets in taking that loser down. Same can be said for the nut case running Iran.
Yup. China doesn't like it one bit when somebody equal or bigger than they are starts meddling in "their" economic sphere. They like it when they are free to impose their will on their neighbors.

Take those disputed islands near Vietnam (Spratleys??). China didn't really care too much as long as the islands were only good for fishing, crabbing etc. However given the possibility of oil deposits, suddenly Vietnam finds their northern neighbor playing hardball on the issue..
The world and it's wars have come down to our good money being used to import plaster disguised as pharmaceuticals. In our house, we will not buy fish if China touches the package. Farmed raised product of China. 😱 This will not stand.
Don't make China Mad!!!
If they don't buy US debt, the US will be broke.
The intrest on our debt to China - 100 million dollars
China's military spending 100 million dollars.

Ever wander why china is stating to become a Superpower nation? It is because They have done evrything that the elites told them to do, now there becoming a 1world nation while the US is slowly become a 3 world nation. But It won't be like that for long, ii a good thing god is going to fix there wagons good if you know what I mean 😀. Cut a deal with the devil your gonna get burned.
China has been a Superpower for most of the 20th century. In recent times China's middle class is flourishing. Jobs are available to anyone who wants one. If the job one has currently isn't good enough, just walk across the street and work for someone else in business. Ever wonder there is not a single car being produced in CA and that is the case for decades? Ever look at the success rate of union labor in our country? Union Labor is a complete fail. Starting with the education system. Bottom line is unions won't budge. When the auto industry was going under did the auto workers unions relent and reduce benefits of wages? heck no. The unions demanded 98% of regular pay and massive retirement demands while companys like GM amd Chrysler became floaters. China's economy is doing better than it ever has. Our politicians have nothing better to do than sit at their desks and think of ways to get their hands in your pockets. Ef China.
N. Korea knows if South Korea pushs back and the U.S. shows up to defend, China will protect the Chinese borders. China knows if the South pushs back hard the refugees will pour over the Chinese border much like the Chinese poured over the same border in the 50's to fight back the U.S. Marines at their border. See the spread of communism in the 20th century. Vietnam was the same scenario. We had won the war in Vietnam until Jane Fonda showed her t*ts and got the Haight Ashbury group all riled up over the invention of the peace sign. Ef N. Korea.
North Korea is a wasp; possessing a stinger, but in need of a final swat. Their military may appear significant, but I doubt would be able to wage a campaign of any duration due to lack of resources.
By the sound of the recent diplomatic papers released by WikiLeaks, it would seem that North Korea is on its last leg. Translation: China is the only reason the state still exists. If or when China abandons them, it's over.

Badge is right on!
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