News Chinese Exascale Supercomputer Faces Frontier in Gordon Bell Prize

Interesting and all, I'm not sure that should be a priority now. If the situation won't change in Europe we might face a shortage of food due to draught. We don't need another energy wasting 'thing'. No matter what part of the world it is at.
Tell that to US that we don't need another war or cold war from them. Current food shortage is due to US own act on Russian sanction not draught.
We don't need another energy wasting "thing",
you mean like CERN,
1.3 TWhrs, thankyou.

Europe/Germany is a mess,
because they went for green energy,
and abandoned nuclear
and mostly, allied with an evil tyrant for energy.

Sure, blame the US for sanctions Europe has agreed to.
What else would you prefer, surrender?
And when China blockades Taiwan, surrender then too?
You should well be aware, appeasement to nations on conquest
only makes things worse.
Tell that to US that we don't need another war or cold war from them. Current food shortage is due to US own act on Russian sanction not draught.
US has food shortage? I didn't know the recent draught was so severe.
Interesting and all, I'm not sure that should be a priority now.
If you were talking about sports or gaming, I might agree.

If the situation won't change in Europe we might face a shortage of food due to draught. We don't need another energy wasting 'thing'. No matter what part of the world it is at.
HPC can be used to predict shifts in micro-climate, which farmers can use to figure out which crops they can switch to.

Depending on how it's used, the energy needed to run these "things" can be seen as an investment. There are far worse uses of far greater amounts resources in the world...

BTW, the one aspect I don't care about at all is the "race" angle. I think it's important to have HPC resources and I do like how they tend to push the envelope on technology, but I don't really care whether the US, China, Japan, or whomever has the fastest machine at any given point in time.
We don't need another energy wasting "thing",
you mean like CERN,
1.3 TWhrs, thankyou.
Investments into pure science pays dividends in very long-term and indirect ways.

For instance, do you think we could be building such advanced semiconductors or quantum computers, without an ever-improving understanding of particle physics? I doubt it.

Europe/Germany is a mess,
because they went for green energy,
and abandoned nuclear
and mostly, allied with an evil tyrant for energy.
Agreed, except that nuclear is greener than any fossil fuel.
US has food shortage? I didn't know the recent draught was so severe.
No, but many poor countries do. Ukraine and Russia are both traditionally major grain exporters. Russia also exports lots of fertilizer. I think neither Russian grain nor fertilizer were directly targeted by sanctions but still got snarled up in them. Most of that has been sorted out, through agreements brokered by the UN, which took entirely too long to come to fruition.

In the meantime, much of Europe is facing historic droughts, further pushing up world food prices.