News Chinese SpinQ ships "undisclosed" superconducting Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) to the Middle East market, units are fully domestically manufactured

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A Chinese company specializing in quantum computing technologies, SpinQ, claims to have become the first Chinese company to ship quantum processing technologies outside of mainland China. Based on superconducting qubits, SpinQ's "Shaowei" Quantum Processing Unit (QPU) won't break quantum volume records anytime soon, but it should provide a way for otherwise-impeded global players to start tinkering with quantum processing.

Chinese SpinQ ships "undisclosed" superconducting Quantum Processing Units (QPUs) to the Middle East market, units are fully domestically manufactured : Read more
Dec 14, 2023
I work for (nonprofit quantum computing research and OSS community-building organization) Unitary Fund, and I maintain the open source "Qrack" quantum computing simulator and web app for quantum technology benchmarks.

Some argue, like IBM, that the technology has reached the point of "advantage" over "classical computers"; this claim, over the summer, was immediately challenged by three separate research groups working with tensor network simulations, in a matter of a few short weeks.

However, regardless, the global state-of-the-art in the "quantum volume" benchmark, specifically, does NOT in itself suggest that the most advanced quantum computers are in any way more powerful than common PCs, yet. Log-2 quantum volume (if you put the linked chart on "Log" setting, "Base: 2") is otherwise known as "algorithmic qubits" in the absence of error correction, which is, in other words, the "viable logical qubits" equivalent computational power of the system for the task. Current world record is 19 algorithmic qubits, held by the Quantinuum H1-1; your common laptop or desktop can likely achieve a simulated algorithmic qubits of about 29 to 32, on the quantum volume benchmark. (A 29 qubit ideal simulation is 2^10 times the "capacity," in count of wave function amplitudes, of the Quantinuum H1-1.)

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Steve Nord_

Nov 7, 2022
Runs Quake in quantum spinors, runs Crysis is quantum spinors; quit complaining about people trying to get good in quantum spinors (before they get enough qubits etc. to break ahead without even trying.)
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