Well so I need [otherwise known as want] another gaming machine, to upgrade my blisteringly fast CeleronD with onboard VGA.
I want PCI-E, not too intersted in either SLI or Crossfire, and I'm wondering weather to bother overclocking the thing. I'm split between four main choices, and woudl use the Asus A8N-SLI SE for the 939pin boards, and
[*:5c67fddf05]Get myself an OEM Athlon 4000+ 64bit and an Alpine 64 Cooler, and just bump up the speed a little bit. (Or, just go for the retail option if the OEM stock runs out at the low price. This would be £160.
[*:5c67fddf05]Get an Athlon 3800+ X2 and overclock it a bit on stock cooling. This would be £170-ish, and for both these overclocks, I'm not too fussed about getting anything impressive, just adding perhaps another 10% to the clock speed, you know, just anything to help.
[*:5c67fddf05]Get one of the Pentium D 805 2.66Ghz models, and a cheapish Motherboard, and overclock that as far as it can go with a £20 cooler. That might cost up to £200 though.
[*:5c67fddf05]Conroe 😀 But, they're quite expensive, and I dont really need the performance.
I mean, I'm going to use this for games, but I do want a fast processor for bragging rights 😀 Woudl it be easier to get one of the Athlons, considering the MAJOR price decrease they've undergone lately, and just add a little bit to their bite by a small overclock on stock cooling?
I want PCI-E, not too intersted in either SLI or Crossfire, and I'm wondering weather to bother overclocking the thing. I'm split between four main choices, and woudl use the Asus A8N-SLI SE for the 939pin boards, and
[*:5c67fddf05]Get myself an OEM Athlon 4000+ 64bit and an Alpine 64 Cooler, and just bump up the speed a little bit. (Or, just go for the retail option if the OEM stock runs out at the low price. This would be £160.
[*:5c67fddf05]Get an Athlon 3800+ X2 and overclock it a bit on stock cooling. This would be £170-ish, and for both these overclocks, I'm not too fussed about getting anything impressive, just adding perhaps another 10% to the clock speed, you know, just anything to help.
[*:5c67fddf05]Get one of the Pentium D 805 2.66Ghz models, and a cheapish Motherboard, and overclock that as far as it can go with a £20 cooler. That might cost up to £200 though.
[*:5c67fddf05]Conroe 😀 But, they're quite expensive, and I dont really need the performance.
I mean, I'm going to use this for games, but I do want a fast processor for bragging rights 😀 Woudl it be easier to get one of the Athlons, considering the MAJOR price decrease they've undergone lately, and just add a little bit to their bite by a small overclock on stock cooling?