Choosing DDR4 RAM for the Z170 Chipset (HELP?!)


Jul 11, 2015
Hey there,

I need help choosing RAM for the Z170.
The motherboard I'm choosing supports DDR4-1866 / 2133 / 2400 / 2666 / 2800 / 3000 / 3200

My issue is that I don't understand the difference between the speeds and that RAM speeds continue to climb higher than those speeds that the motherboard supports.

To be honest I only want to play video games on my computer.

I was thinking of overclocking my CPU and Graphics Card but it would probably be too much of a hassle for a noob like me.
The real speed of the RAM isn't determined only by the frequency, but by the relationship between frequency (xxxxMhz) and the latency (CLxx).

A rough estimate of the RAM performance can be done through the following formula - CLxx/(xxxxMhz/2)*1000

The lower the number, the faster the RAM. This means that a 2400 Mhz RAM can be faster than 2600 Mhz if the latency is lower.

Just don't spend too much on RAM for Gaming. You're better off spending 100€ on slower RAM and another 100€ on a better GPU/CPU than blowing 200€ on a fast kit.

When I was going to build a i7 6700K based Z170 workstation, that was the best priced deal I could see from Scan Computers ( great supplier ).
Intel Arc says the max supported ram speed on the CPU is 2133. So going much over 3000 is probably slightly risky and as others say latency is VIP - so my knowledgeable friend said this was a good balance and affordable.
Personally I dont think its worth spending a massive premium, for the 3400 or 4000 speed stuff. ( balance of the CPUs nos of memory lanes etc.)

£207 seemed OK for quality Low profile ram. Non ECC of course .
But then I have no real idea of your budget, or other requirements, maybe 16GB is enough for you?

People tell me this is good quality ram - but caveat that as I went the Xeon route with the obligatory samsung ECC Ram - this is therefore a "suggestion" based on my research, and a clever friend's personal recommendation.
He says this is good stuff!

Perhaps other "actual" users could comment if Corsair, and this actual model of Ram is any good.
If 16GB is enough for you then see
£90??? Any good.