Question Chrome does not scroll down the page automatically


Jul 29, 2020
I have an issue with Chrome since couple of days.
Earlier, when i was refreshing the page chrome automatically was scrolling down the page to where it was before refresh.
Now after refresh Chrome sets the page to the beginning.
Does anyone know how to change it?
I work with a lot of "long" pages and searching and scrolling down each time after refresh it's a hassle.

i see that this happens only on specific site (earlier it was not) also on different webbrowsers (edge, mozilla).
can it be connected with specific site? is there a way in chrome (or different broweser) to force the site to scroll down after refresh?

any help?
it's a polish site with auctions . can i force it to scroll down? it was working whole last year and now something changed and what is strange it happend 2-3 days after i installed new fresh system.