Chrome.exe no disk error

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Jul 14, 2011
I have a very annoying problem with my computer that is cutting my productivity in half at least!

Every time I open a new tab, or even a new instance of Google Chrome, or sometimes even just clicking a link on a page in Chrome, Chrome freezes, and sometimes other apps freeze too, and after somewhere between 10 seconds and 60 seconds, an error message occurs.

The error message is titled "chrome.exe - No Disk"

The message body says "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive \Device\Harddisk5\DR5.

It presents three clickable options: Cancel, Try Again, and Continue.

If I click Try again or Continue, I can usually (99% of the time) move on without further problems, but the big problem is the delay between when the offending activity occurs (opening a new tab or instance of Chrome, or clicking a link on a page in Chrome) and when the error message shows up.

I have searched endlessly for answers to this problem, and apparently the problem is pervasive... lots of people post that they too have the same problem but then solved them. So they post their solutions, and I have tried every one of them and none get rid of my problem.

I'm shocked that Google itself has not offered a fix for this.

Hopefully someone here can help me with this.

I don't want to give up Chrome as I like it a million times more than any other browser.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Here's my machine data:

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional , 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 930 @ 2.80GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 26 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 12278 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT , 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 76316 MB, Free - 10092 MB; D: Total - 111099 MB, Free - 109455 MB; E: Total - 842765 MB, Free - 610592 MB; M: Total - 953634 MB, Free - 779505 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., P6T, Rev 1.xx, 103986630001623
Antivirus: None
have you recently taken a hard drive out of your system?

that can casue this error, usually it is harmless as it just cant find it so it will ignore it,

i have the same error with keyboard/mouse software (dont ask me why i installed it, it was just there)
You probably downloaded something to a USB drive or some other drive that is no longer plugged in. Simply open Chrome and hit Ctrl+J. Then hit Clear All to clear all downloads. Now when you try to download something it will not try to populate the download list and will work like normal.

It works Thanks!
This was driving me crazy as well, except I couldn't click out the error msg, only way out was to end process in the task manager or restart comp.
None of this stuff works.

It's possible there may be more than one cause for the same or similar error.

I've had this problem now for the last 6 months at least. Every single time I use Chrome.. it's the same thing. My system freezes and I have to wait for the dialog to pop up with Chrome.exe and please insert a disk in blah blah blah.. When the dialog pops up right away I can just click try again and it goes away, but other times the dialog doesn't pop up for a minute or longer.

Incredibly frustrating. It makes me want to chuck my computer out the window, even though it's an awesome computer.

I really need help with this and I wish someone with some serious technical knowledge would read this and help me.

Thank you.
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