xyriin :
All I see is a list of maybes and what ifs of why the Backblaze data might be flawed. Yet, I see ZERO data supporting Seagate to be a reliable brand, specifically the models with horrid failure rates in the Backblaze data. All Seagate has to do is out their own failure rates from datacenters to put Backblaze in their place because it's not like they don't know these numbers. If Seagate had solid data proving the high failure rate models are in fact excellent they would have released it already and they haven't. Backblaze also has consumers backing their 'problem' models with poor ratings at stores.
There is hard evidence that the Backblaze environment is flawed, I even provided you a simple picture of just one reason. Even by the company's own admission the data is not applicable outside its own use case.
By the company's own admission the chassis is flawed - what part of that people do not understand, when they print it in black and white...man, I don't get it.
I did not proclaim that Seagate is more or less reliable than anyone. It is possible they are better, worse, or just the same as some other vendor, but we need real data to quantify who is better or worse - not this.
I agree that the vendors hide data, I call that out all the time, and the few that do release the data I applaud them and even inject any released failure data into articles.
I have publicly denounced the lack of vendor provided field failure rate data, and also publicly applauded the few who do provide it (Intel, OCZ). But, as I have stated before, and will again, I don't believe that we should accept obviously failed data in the absence of good data.
No one wants to see another Google report more than I do. They know how to conduct a study, and actually use screws instead of rubber bands.
I think the public's willingness to embrace the Backblaze data stems from either just misinformation (which its really easy to be informed, just read their blog), or more likely it is just the backlash against the vendor silence on field failure rates. Personally, for those that don't release data, they are probably getting what they deserve. But none of them in the Backblaze list do, so its a culture of silence.
However, the data stickler in me says that I have to point out the flaws. I refuse to copy/paste someone's press release without taking a deeper look. People always want their source of news to look deeper, but sometimes put forth an incredible backlash when an outlet actually takes the time to investigate, as opposed to just copy/pasting hogwash. Go figure.