As they have said in a lot of movies, " One man's terrorist, another man's patriot" or something on those lines, the the point of the matter is not who's a terrorist and who's a patriot. The whole point is the invasions of privacy..... don't you think??? anyone who is invading the secure shell of the egg we live in , has by society norms become a terrorist. Yet , what sovereign nations do when they go to war , in whatever name or under whatever claim, is again just terrorism, since that is certainly invading someones town , street or even homes on the basis of sheer brute force.
So basically, all wars and all the so called suicide bombers are just plain simple people , caught up in a frame of mind at a time in life when , I guess, they don't see any other light of hope other than the corridor of bright light (Quoted from NDEs) .
If I was to look at this from a very inner perspective, then , a lot of laws and bills passed by our leaders are, a very very close form of terrorizing it's own people.
So, like they say, charity begins at home, I guess, our political leaders are really following that rule...... of course the expense is always finally only paid by the common man.....and his family, the foot soldier and his family, although we never thanked the tax payers for making such wars of and on terror possible, cos basically he's only getting what he's paying for.....