The sooner we cut off china the better. 95% of my server attacks are coming from China -- constantly and non-stop. And that's not some drone PC hacked from Russia or Vietnam or Korea -- I monitor the drone PCs and where they relay their packets to. If China doesn't start doing something pro-active about their piracey and the 24/7 streaming of hacking, the solution will be simple -- block China's IP address ranges.
Given that China has taken the #1 spot in world pollution (and is doing nothing to help prevent climate change) and is also #1 on CDC list (center for disease control), and having visited China myself and seeing mass starvings and poverty at a scale that China is trying it's best to hide, well for such a "rich" country, they have a very poor standard of living and their population certainly seems unable to actually pay for all they technology and software they steal.
As soon as the US finishes tooling their economy with some very high tech automation robots/machinery, you can kiss the need to cheap manual labor good bye ... and yes, that means no more china dependancy and china's resources will dwindle just like their the oppressive and regressive government.
The only last laugh China "might" have (if we don't find a real solution soon) is their lead in C02 dumping and bring an early end to all human life on this planet (including their own little pocket of existance) -- the ultimate weapon I suppose -- cheaper than starting a nuclear war I guess.