Clock reverts after restarting - bios settings don't


Sep 9, 2014
Hello folks,

I'm really hoping that I don't have to return my mobo, but I'm having a problem and I am running out of plausible alternative explanations.

I just built a new PC with Windows 8.1, and my mobo is an ASRock Z97. It's the clock. I've read and read all the old threads on this problem, and mine is slightly different.

Every time I restart the computer, the clock reverts back to whatever time I manually set last (whether by typing it in myself or syncing it via the Internet). When the computer is running, the clock progresses like normal, unless the computer goes to sleep, in which case it pauses and resumes when I wake the computer back up.

I've removed the CMOS battery (the CR2032 that is blocked by the graphics card) and tested it; it's running 3 volts, so it appears totally fine. All drivers are up-to-date. The bios settings are saved whenever I restart the computer (I've tested this indirectly, because I changed the boot priority to disc--for the initial installation of Windows--and that change was preserved when I restarted the computer later), so it isn't that the entire bios is wiping clean every time, unless the boot priority is not a good test of this.

Please tell me I don't have to return the mobo.

UPDATE: the time zone is set correctly. Thanks to theonerm2 for prompting this clarification!

Yes, I did. The problem isn't that the clock is wrong--it's that it changes every time I restart the computer; specifically, it always changes back to the time that I manually set it to before (3:54pm I think). So even if I had it in the wrong time zone, that wouldn't be the explanation. But thanks for reminding me to mention that!