Clueless? need help..


Feb 7, 2009
Alright so i recently bought a linksys rangeplus wireless PCI card. I put it in and everything seemed fine till I got a BSOD. I tried to reboot and couldnt POST. no beeps. Everything ran but a black screen was up. I toyed with it for a little cleared the CMOS. Finally it POSTed. Hooray... yeah until today computer randomly shuts off same thing happens but this time I cant get it to post? The computer would turn off if i bumped my case. (Short)?
I have taken my MoBO out of the case and just have my CPU and GPU plugged in and i still get no Beeps.

What I have done already:
1. Checked all connections.
2. Running sytem with no HDD only CPU and GPU
3.Switched RAM
4.MotherBoard is no longer in case.

I'm absolutely clueless? I feel as if my board has been fried? Any Ideas?

EVGA nForce 780i SLI FTW Built in speaker

I didnt miss the CPU power connection because it POSTed fine outside my case. CPU cooler was off and only the GPU was in and it seemed fine. So could it been something going on with when i get everything back in my case. or somehow my CPU cooler? Underneath Where i plug in the Cooler there is a RED light. and I dont recall seeing it on a normal basis? and its not the light telling me I have power to my board.

hmm well not sure if this applies but, on my old motherboard green led meant all is good, red generally wasnt a very good thing at all. usually code for rma this sucker.
I see no LED near the CPU fan header:
In this photo, the CPU fan power is on the right side edge of the board, about mid point.

I do however see a hex code LED that is supposed to generate error codes.

This is from EVGA's website: