S sybiLLL Reputable Jan 15, 2015 11 0 4,510 Sep 15, 2016 #1 Hello Everyone, Is this PSU enough for my current build? http://www.coolermaster.com/powersupply/modular-vs-series/v650s/
Hello Everyone, Is this PSU enough for my current build? http://www.coolermaster.com/powersupply/modular-vs-series/v650s/
Solution Hlsgsz Sep 15, 2016 sybiLLL : Hello Everyone, Is this PSU enough for my current build? http://www.coolermaster.com/powersupply/modular-vs-series/v650s/ Yes, that is plenty, and that is an excellent PSU(so long as you're talking about the V gold series and not VS bronze)
sybiLLL : Hello Everyone, Is this PSU enough for my current build? http://www.coolermaster.com/powersupply/modular-vs-series/v650s/ Yes, that is plenty, and that is an excellent PSU(so long as you're talking about the V gold series and not VS bronze)
Pranav_1 Reputable Sep 23, 2015 55 0 4,640 Sep 15, 2016 #2 SHOULD BE ENOUGH BUT BETTER TO BUY OF CORSAIR AND MORE WATTS SO THAT IT'S FUTURE PROOF Upvote -1 Downvote
Hlsgsz Champion Feb 29, 2016 8,003 5 51,415 Sep 15, 2016 Solution #3 sybiLLL : Hello Everyone, Is this PSU enough for my current build? http://www.coolermaster.com/powersupply/modular-vs-series/v650s/ Yes, that is plenty, and that is an excellent PSU(so long as you're talking about the V gold series and not VS bronze) Upvote 1 Downvote Solution
sybiLLL : Hello Everyone, Is this PSU enough for my current build? http://www.coolermaster.com/powersupply/modular-vs-series/v650s/ Yes, that is plenty, and that is an excellent PSU(so long as you're talking about the V gold series and not VS bronze)
bignastyid Titan Moderator Jun 19, 2011 33,663 1,680 159,590 Sep 15, 2016 #4 Yes, it's more than enough and its good quality unit aswell. Upvote 0 Downvote
bignastyid Titan Moderator Jun 19, 2011 33,663 1,680 159,590 Sep 15, 2016 #5 The Coolermaster VSs are good it's the Corsair VSs that are the poor quality ones. Upvote 0 Downvote