Question Code 43 error with new RX 590 ?

Jul 18, 2024
Hello, I recently bought an XFX RX 590 OC+ and upon installing it on my system, it gets detected but the "Code 43" error shows up in Device Manager. What's weirder is that when I attempt to install the latest drivers, the system recognizes it as an ASUS instead of an XFX model. Is it time to call it?

I tried to:
- flash VBIOS
- reseat it in the slot
- run it in another OS (ubuntu)
- use older drivers
- use either adrenalin or pro softwares
- flipping the dual BIOS switch

I connected the monitor to its faulty but somewhat working HDMI port, is it affecting anything? I'd try again when my HDMI to DP adapter arrives tomorrow.


Apr 19, 2024
From all you said earlier i come to the conclusion that your card was used for mining.
Well. in order to try to save it we need the following pictures :
- GPU-z main screen
- GPU-z advanced tab > and from drop down menu you choose advanced memory
- after this please open the card and make a close up picture of your memory chips. Use a good light source and macro.
Jul 18, 2024
From all you said earlier i come to the conclusion that your card was used for mining.
Well. in order to try to save it we need the following pictures :
- GPU-z main screen
- GPU-z advanced tab > and from drop down menu you choose advanced memory
- after this please open the card and make a close up picture of your memory chips. Use a good light source and macro.
Greetings. Apologies for the late reply, here are the pictures as requested.

Memory Module
GPU-Z Memory

I also took a picture of the entire PCB


Apr 19, 2024
I would advise first to uninstall old driver.
For that use please DDU.
Keep in mind that during the whole process you have to unplug your computer from net or disconnect it from wireless in order to prevent to autoinstall the drivers.
After you restart your computer with no drivers, only then you can install your AMD drivers.
After computer restart you can reconnect your computer to internet.
Jul 18, 2024
Hello, I am pretty sure that I have flashed this specific BIOS before to no avail. But I'll try again.

For clarification, after flashing the BIOS I can install drivers immediately, right?
I would advise first to uninstall old driver.
For that use please DDU.
Keep in mind that during the whole process you have to unplug your computer from net or disconnect it from wireless in order to prevent to autoinstall the drivers.
After you restart your computer with no drivers, only then you can install your AMD drivers.
After computer restart you can reconnect your computer to internet.
Hello, I have installed the said VBIOS, and unfortunately the issue still persists.
Jul 18, 2024
Most of the possible causes for error 43 revolve around driver issues. That would be the place to start looking for solutions.

I have tried them and unfortunately none works. Is it a hardware issue at this point now?


Apr 19, 2024
In the picture you provided after you flashed the video card, at subvendor you have : XFX Pine Group
So it is fine

PS : i noticed you changed the OS. Now you have win 10

You mentioned in the first post that you have the same problem with it.
Now that you flashed a totally new BIOS in it, it is unlikely that it is BIOS-es fault.

In my personal experience i had many Polaris cards that had error 43 on windows.
Some of them only needed a reflash of the BIOS, and some needed a repair shop.
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