Codename: Panzers



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Another pretty game with little substance. Highly inaccurate, as well.
Right from the start, you experience strange anomalies such as what
appears to be guided missiles. (but really just artillery) The shells
won't just hit in the vicinity of your units -- they'll hit your units
no matter where you move them.

This is another example of the destructive process which accompanies
everything involved with shareholders and the stock market. For
instance, pharmaceutical companies developing medicine for the explicit
purpose of gaining profit rather than truly addressing the malady.
Prolonging the suffering for profit at the expense of people. The game
developers must produce something they can market to the masses, hence
it's dumbed down and ends up being almost a cartoon.

It appears no company will ever deliver an accurate game. For one
reason: 1) most people are too stupid to appreciate it (and hence,
won't purchase it)


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> This is another example of the destructive process which accompanies
> everything involved with shareholders and the stock market. For
> instance, pharmaceutical companies developing medicine for the explicit
> purpose of gaining profit rather than truly addressing the malady.
> Prolonging the suffering for profit at the expense of people. The game
> developers must produce something they can market to the masses, hence
> it's dumbed down and ends up being almost a cartoon.
> It appears no company will ever deliver an accurate game. For one
> reason: 1) most people are too stupid to appreciate it (and hence,
> won't purchase it)

I disagree with your elitist attitude that "most people are too stupid to
appreciate it". Rather I'd say, most people just don't want to take the
time to understand a complex and accurate game.

As to exploiting for profit, I don't know how long you've been around, but
that kind of thing has been going on for decades upon decades. It's mostly
all about profit and gain; there is no humanity to it.



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On 23 Apr 2005 00:11:01 -0700, "aether" <>

>Another pretty game with little substance. Highly inaccurate, as well.
>Right from the start, you experience strange anomalies such as what
>appears to be guided missiles. (but really just artillery) The shells
>won't just hit in the vicinity of your units -- they'll hit your units
>no matter where you move them.
>This is another example of the destructive process which accompanies
>everything involved with shareholders and the stock market. For
>instance, pharmaceutical companies developing medicine for the explicit
>purpose of gaining profit rather than truly addressing the malady.
>Prolonging the suffering for profit at the expense of people. The game
>developers must produce something they can market to the masses, hence
>it's dumbed down and ends up being almost a cartoon.
>It appears no company will ever deliver an accurate game. For one
>reason: 1) most people are too stupid to appreciate it (and hence,
>won't purchase it)

I hear Heroes of WWII is a similar game but less gamey.


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Unit movement in the game is absolutely horrendous. It's suppose to be
a tactical game, but you have poor control over the positioning of your
units, both vehicles and infantry. They wander all over the place
getting killed. It's a practical nightmare.


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In message <>,
aether <> writes
>Another pretty game with little substance. Highly inaccurate, as well.
>Right from the start, you experience strange anomalies such as what
>appears to be guided missiles. (but really just artillery) The shells
>won't just hit in the vicinity of your units -- they'll hit your units
>no matter where you move them.
>This is another example of the destructive process which accompanies
>everything involved with shareholders and the stock market. For
>instance, pharmaceutical companies developing medicine for the explicit
>purpose of gaining profit rather than truly addressing the malady.
>Prolonging the suffering for profit at the expense of people. The game
>developers must produce something they can market to the masses, hence
>it's dumbed down and ends up being almost a cartoon.
>It appears no company will ever deliver an accurate game. For one
>reason: 1) most people are too stupid to appreciate it (and hence,
>won't purchase it)
Welcome to capitalism, the worst economic system known to man - apart
from all the other ones. We may observe that all the various forms of
planned and directed political economies have failed to produce any
useful pharmaceuticals at all, never mind computer games (or computers).
They might manage a slightly more robust tractor, if they are lucky.
John Secker


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aether wrote:
> appears no company will ever deliver an accurate game. For one
> reason: 1) most people are too stupid to appreciate it (and hence,
> won't purchase it)

try soldiers


tonkica polonkica frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Archived from groups: (More info?)

aether wrote:
> Another pretty game with little substance. Highly inaccurate, as well.
> Right from the start, you experience strange anomalies such as what
> appears to be guided missiles. (but really just artillery) The shells
> won't just hit in the vicinity of your units -- they'll hit your units
> no matter where you move them.
> It appears no company will ever deliver an accurate game. For one
> reason: 1) most people are too stupid to appreciate it (and hence,
> won't purchase it)

The artillery actually spoils the gameplay (regardless of how true to
life it is etc.). The most dangerous opponent is not a king tiger but
some rattly van with a rocket launcher on top. And it results in
ludicrous tactics to get by the tricky bits, like spearheading an
assault with a group of medics backed up by 20 artillery pieces...