I just finished putting a new computer together and am quite pleased with its preformance save one thing. I have 3 com ports and onf of them always loads up saying there are not enough resources avail. For some reason Win2k will not see my modem unless it can see all 3 ports. So to be able to use my modem i have to for the com port open and then i'm free to use my modem. Was just wondering if any one has any ideas as to what i can do to fix it.
1ghz Thunderbird
640 megs ram
Elsa Gladiac 32 GTS
Soundblaster X-gamer
Firewire card
Aopen FM56-ITU/2 modem (PCI)
1ghz Thunderbird
640 megs ram
Elsa Gladiac 32 GTS
Soundblaster X-gamer
Firewire card
Aopen FM56-ITU/2 modem (PCI)