This is my rant with Comcast Cable.

So I go to the office and wait in line to buy Comcast cable internet/TV package. I am greeted by this woman at the counter who could give a rats ass about the customer; she is there against her will.

I tell her I want basic cable and 6mb cable as stated in the coupon I have. I say I have a modem and will call once I get back to provide the MAC ID. So she nods with a hint of eye roll and hands me a digital cable box and a modem. WTF.

I tell her again.. I want the basic cable and I have my own modem. So she tells me the Digital cable box is only $1 more take it. w/e I will never use it.
I slide the cable modem back to her and she slides it back... BITCH. She tells me that i should take it just in case. I tell her NO I dont want to rent the modem for a JUST IN CASE.

She says "well just bring it back before the end of the month and I wont charge you". I say "no thanks I dont want it". And to that, she shakes her head and says ok.

So i grab the piece of junk that is this cable box and head home.


So my Download Rate is 1.5mb a second... CRAP. I call Comcast.

Comcast tells me they do not have a way to test my download rate and I ask them: HOW THEN, DO YOU KNOW YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE GETTING THE CORRECT SPEED?"

They say they have customers go to Fine. I go there and my rate is 2.4Mb. She sends a comcast guy down.

He arrives in the far future and sees my delmia. He replaces all the cables then goes to where it now shows 3mb of the 6 i am paying for.

He continues to fish around servers until he finds one that reports my speed at 12mb a second... WTF ERROR.

Comcast guy says its the servers i go to that is the issue. I tell him that is 2x my rated speed. That is an error. He said no! Comcast doesn't cap the download rates any more.

THen I ask him... if that were so, why does anyone buy speed packages faster then the basic rate? He tells me that people like to upgrade to guaranty they get a faster rate.

I ask him to download a file.. any file, to see if it is faster then 100kb... Nope. He said they dont do that! Then said I am fine, and left.


I go check my mail before calling Comcast again and.....

She charged me anyway for a modem rental $#$@ BITCH.
I call Comcast... hay get this modem rental off my bill

"Sorry sir, it is in your name. Can you prove you didn't take the modem?"


.... To be continued.
Run your own modem on ComCast...... I've never rented a modem... I've had to replace several modems furnished by ComCast that should have been pitched before they were ever installed... I get from 8 to 14 on SpeedGuide with ComCast, consistent......
it has taken me three months to get my service working.

The 6mb plan is caped at 6mb.
That means you will range from 3-6 depending on your neighborhood.
The 8mb plan isnt caped. I get from 10 to 30mbps. Yes i can prove it.

Are you running a router if so check without it. My router puts me at a 5mbps and it claimed to be a 10/100.

They can do a speed test. When you call them ask them to ping the modem. tell them your service is flickering and you need to know if the modem is stable. They can give a ruff idea.

Yes there techs do use speakeasy. I watched them do it on mine.

They want you to use there modem because the phone reps have a prepared service sheet that they read from. If you dont use there components there reps are lost.

Customer service department are complete idiots. It really did take 3 months of a techs at my house once a week.

Complain to billing and they will refund each month that it isnt correct. Tell them you want an area manager to come on the service call. They can do a better job testing your line. You need to know what your db rating is. It should be zero

I hate comcast, but I cant live without them.
No one can get even close to 30mbps.
upgrade to the 8mb plan. its 10 more.

really, try it without the router

they also cap upload speeds and say they dont.

good luck. Make it a game to see how many times you can get a rep at your house, and how many months free service you get. That might help a little. Although I wish mine would have worked the first time. Alas with comcast it never will
So do I, So i make them come on Sundays. If you get really mad they will come.

Although I only got mad enough to get supervisers out on Saturdays.

I did get a note on my "sheet" saying that comcast employees were not allowed in my house without me, and had security called the one and only time I want in.

Yell alot, they will come. They may not do anything but, they will come
The only issue I had with comcast was a couple years ago.

It all started with my cracked version of halo for pc.

Apparently, if you try to host a game with cracked serial, it would block your IP from hosting for 3 days, or at least that's what I came the the conclusion of.

I was trying to host a server on rise of nations and my game wouldn't show up.

I called comcast thinking they were blocking certain ports.

They said "go to, if that works, you should be able to host games"

I said something along the lines of "the game uses different ports then the web browser" (of coarse my knowledge of the issue was less)

Comcast isn't known for customer satisfaction in my book, they seem more involved with all the commercials, which suck anyway.
I Pay for 16 mbps ...look what they gave me: download/upload

9/19/2007 9:11 PM EDT 2442 kb/s 1589 kb/s 100 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Close
9/19/2007 8:44 PM EDT 2742 kb/s 1455 kb/s 59 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/19/2007 8:00 PM EDT 1592 kb/s 1540 kb/s 189 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/17/2007 11:34 PM EDT 3234 kb/s 1582 kb/s 68 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/17/2007 11:02 PM EDT 2139 kb/s 1546 kb/s 70 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/16/2007 4:21 PM EDT 6076 kb/s 1595 kb/s 22 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/16/2007 1:40 PM EDT 6172 kb/s 1496 kb/s 14 ms Frederick, MD ~ 100 mi Open
9/16/2007 1:39 PM EDT 5660 kb/s 1588 kb/s 29 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/12/2007 3:42 PM EDT 1357 kb/s 1531 kb/s 195 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/9/2007 7:03 PM EDT 9961 kb/s 1595 kb/s 23 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/9/2007 6:50 PM EDT 8274 kb/s 1600 kb/s 25 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
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9/5/2007 8:08 PM EDT 1037 kb/s 1473 kb/s 184 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
9/5/2007 7:43 PM EDT 2810 kb/s 1582 kb/s 66 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
8/30/2007 3:19 AM EDT 13989 kb/s 1594 kb/s 23 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
8/29/2007 11:10 PM EDT 2062 kb/s 1541 kb/s 73 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
8/29/2007 11:01 PM EDT 1439 kb/s 845 kb/s 132 ms Frederick, MD ~ 100 mi Open
8/29/2007 10:50 PM EDT 1665 kb/s 1562 kb/s 127 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
8/29/2007 10:44 PM EDT 1310 kb/s 1536 kb/s 214 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open
7/14/2007 10:37 PM EDT 12730 kb/s 954 kb/s 26 ms Chicago, IL ~ 450 mi Open

very irritated with Comcast...3 techs out to the house in 2 weeks...its working fine...lmao...truth came out on last visit...I was the guys last call for the day, he wanted to go home, the reply "Ok, you live in a college town..all the students are back, we should only have 300 per node, we are running an average of 600, not much I can do"

Ha! Why don't they just tell us that and give us a discount? I mean, if someone is paying for, let's say, 2mb per second, but is only getting half that, the bill should be half, or something like that.
I have made 8 calls over the last month "advising" on my situation, I am a gamer, and also own a BF42 server along with a BF2 server. My complaint was that I am not receiving what I pay for... approx 150 a month for cable and internet...not once did the customer service agent or tech offer any type of credit.