comments on a new build

Feb 26, 2018
Greetings, I"m looking into a new build and I'd appreciate comments on it.
the case is Antec Two Hundred, psu is a antec 550w, there are 4 hdds. all of these are from the previous build.
the following are new:

  • ■cpu: AMD RYZEN7 2700 (Gen2)
    ■mb: ASUS - PRIME-A320M-A
    ■memory: HyperX 32GB (2x16GB) DDR4 2666Mhz CL16 - 1.2V - 288Pin - HyperX FURY Black DDR4 Series - HX426C16FBK2/32
    ■gpu: SAPPHIRE PULSE Radeon™ RX560 2GB DDR5
    ■hsf: Noctua NH-D15 SE-AM4

any thoughts on this build?

what speed would you recommend?
Go with a B450 board. A320 cannot overclock, and is made more for office builds, and will need a bios update to work. That cooler is totally unnecessary, if not overclocking, as well. Even if you wanted something better than stock, a Cryorig H7, or H5 would be plenty. Why do you think you need 32gb of ram?
CPU: Super for multitasking. Good for gaming although no game will take full advantage of it.. a R5-2600 would suffice in this case (or the 2600X)

MB: I guess it's okay... IF it is new enough to have the BIOS already updated, it provides all the connections you need, and you have no intention of overclocking. I'd recommend a B450 board though.

RAM: Ryzen like fast RAM, like 2933 and up... Unless you have a specific need for 32GB, drop to 16GB (plenty of RAM for everyday use and gaming) with a speed rating of about 3200.

GPU: Weakest point if you're planning on gaming. Fine if your tasks are not game oriented. In this case, I'd take the money saved from the 2700 being changed to a 2600X and get a 580, maybe a 590 if the price is right, or even a Vega56 (AMD side) or GTX1060 6GB or GTX1070, or RTX-2070 (NVidia side.)

Cooler: Good cooler, should be able to get the most out of the CPU with it. (Another option: Scythe FUMA (Rev B))

It would look more like this, and would make a strong gaming system.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 2700X 3.7 GHz 8-Core Processor ($318.26 @ Amazon)
CPU Cooler: Scythe - FUMA Rev.B 79 CFM CPU Cooler ($51.57 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: MSI - B450 GAMING PRO CARBON AC ATX AM4 Motherboard ($139.99 @ B&H)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory ($129.99 @ Newegg)
Video Card: MSI - Radeon RX 580 8 GB ARMOR MK2 OC Video Card ($239.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $879.80
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-12-13 13:17 EST-0500

This is in comparison to your list:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 7 2700 3.2 GHz 8-Core Processor ($269.99 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Noctua - NH-D15 SE-AM4 82.52 CFM CPU Cooler ($98.66 @ Amazon)
Motherboard: Asus - PRIME A320M-A Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($72.95 @ Newegg)
Memory: Kingston - HyperX Fury 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-2666 Memory ($309.60 @ PCM)
Video Card: Sapphire - Radeon RX 560 - 1024 2 GB PULSE Video Card ($152.00)
Total: $903.20
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-12-13 12:52 EST-0500

Note: Pricing reflect U.S. pricing, other areas may have different prices and availability. The specific GPU you mentioned, is an estimated price based off availability from I could not find your exact RAM.

You can drop the cooler with either build as the included coolers are good enough for the CPU to work well, albeit not at at sustained maximum speeds. Either cooler (yours or mine) will let it max out.

You can drop the price further with a R5-2600X or R5-2600

You can substitute a cheaper B450 motherboard if you like. The one I mentioned includes built in WiFi.

Cases are mostly a matter of personal tastes... as long as airflow is good.

PSUs... well, 550 should be good, (A Vega card would need about 200W more out of it) Antec PSUs for the most part are solid enough. Which model is it btw?

(Changed the build after noting power requirements with a Vega64)

I don't intend to overclock, so b450 is not needed, also, it is out of my price range.
I strain the system constantly with extensive compilation and calculations. thus the need for a good cpu cooler (afaicr, amd cpus tent to overheat abit) and the large ram. also it is for future proof

I've bought the gpu already, it was in a good price. I play abit but not that much, the primary os is linux so not much of gaming possibility too.
as said above, I don't intent to overclock so I see no value in getting the X version.
I do a lot of computation and calculations, so lots of rams is good and the cpu is always strained.
how about this ram? HyperX - HX429C17FBK2-32 - 32GB (2x16GB) 2933MHz DDR4 CL17 DIMM HyperX FURY Black Series - HX429C17FBK2/32
how much of a diff I expect ot see from HyperX - HX432C18FBK2-32 - 32GB (2x16GB) 3200Mhz DDR4 CL18 DIMM HyperX FURY Black Series - CL18 - 1.2V - HX432C18FBK2/32?
I see no need for wifi, my 1gbs lan is suffice.
unfortunately, where I live, is it impossible to get Scythe FUMA


I'd say a combination of both. You don't want an underpowered PSU for your new hardware and you definitely don't want to use a worn out one because that could die very quickly. Look at getting at least a Seasonic or a mid range EVGA or Corsair unit.

according to the outerversion psu caluclator, it should suffice, it recommends 420W when mine is 550W is that considered under powered?

Ryzen does not have the heat issues FX had. Get a cryorig H7 or H5, and use the money on a better board. A320 will not work, without a bios update. B450 is not much more, and a decent B450 will better handle the heavy use you expect to do. What is your actual budget, for the listed hardware?

Capacitor aging will cause an old PSU not to output the same power, as it would new.

It has more to do with the age of the unit than how much power it puts out. Just like spark plugs on a car, the capacitors on a PSU will age every time you power it on. So a 4 year old unit will not perform the same now as it did when it was new. The wattage is one thing but whether or not your PSU will power with your new hardware is another thing entirely. Don't go just by the stated wattage.

unfortunately, there are no cryorig hsf where I live so that's not an option.
the a320's bios is updated to latest.
all the B450 from asus are expensive, any suggestions for another one? I don't like gigabyte's customer support, I like asus thought. not know about the rest of them.
as my currency isn't in usd, it is hard to say, I'd take any suggestion and see if I can find it locally

Okay. Handy info to have.

With AMD, it doesn't matter if the CPU is the X variant or it isn't, The Ryzen R series is overclockable regardless. The X series does get you a higher base clock though. If you're looking at crunching numbers, and alot of them, it helps,

The 2000 series Ryzen CPUs all come with a decent cooler that will let it boost, although not continuously... This is independent of overclocking.

I can see the need for the RAM then. 2933 is the fastest supported w/o overclock, but you will need a B450 board (or the X470, which you say is out of your budget range) for that. (Any faster and it doesn't matter.)

The B450 is the low end of the 400 series chipsets. It offers more features, more USB ports for example, if needed. If the 320 board doesn't have the updated BIOS, you're stuck until you either have it done for you, or you find a 1000 series Ryzen CPU to perform the upgrade. Prices, here in the States, intermix between the two chipsets, (A320 and B450,) so grabbing a B450 just makes more sense, regardless of overclocking or not, because it will work with the Ryzen 2000 series right out of the box.

At least here in the States, the following RAM is likely cheaper, AND faster than the one you chose. Both are known to work with AMD without issues. This isn't to say that your choice is bad (other than, perhaps being harder on the budget.)
G.Skill - Sniper X 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (F4-3200C16D-32GSXKB)
Corsair - Vengeance LPX 32 GB (2 x 16 GB) DDR4-3200 Memory (CMK32GX4M2L3200C16)

Without WiFi (using Wired Ethernet LAN),,, There are other boards that are less expensive then. Note also that just because a part (in this case a motherboard) has "Gaming" in the name doesn't mean it's exclusive to gaming use.,18,27&K=6,12 (w/ Gigabyte),27&K=6,12 (w/o Gigabyte)

People have also had serious issues with support from almost every part maker, including ASUS. Some to the point where ASUS is no longer an option for them.

Also should note, that we are probably all basing cost based in shipping within the U.S. It sounds as if your not doing that, so knowing the basic area (Country/Nation) can help us tailor better, along with your budget.
so for some reason, my spreadsheet was wrong, telling me that my monthly payments was 50% higher than it actually was, so I'm still in the budget. so following the advices here, this is the current spec I'm looking at:

  • ■ cpu: AMD RYZEN7 2700 (Gen2)
    ■ mb: ASUS - PRIME-B450M-A - AM4 - B450 - 4x DDR4
    ■ memory: HyperX - HX432C18FBK2-32 - 32GB (2x16GB) 3200Mhz DDR4 CL18 DIMM HyperX FURY Black Series - CL18 - 1.2V - HX432C18FBK2/32
    ■ gpu: same
    ■ hsf: same
for now I think I'll try to reuse my current psu and if it doens't do the work, I'll get a new one.
I like GSkill but where I live they are 80$ expensive than the HyperX.
I've yet to used ASUS's support so I cannot comment, the GigaByte one I've tried.

any more comments that can help me?


Part of it is that 32GB of RAM - is that something that you really need? For most general and every day uses, you won't need or even come close to needing that kind of RAM. You could easily drop that to 16GB and you won't lose anything.

as said, yes.
speaking of psu, my wife's computer died today, it was the psu so I've moved mine to her machine (someone asked about it here, it was Antec Neo Eco 520c), so I need an new psu too, I'm looking at the Antec EA550G-Pro but it is a bit expansive.

any other recommendations?


I still don't get the need for 32GB of RAM - for most every day uses you don't need more than 16GB. If you're doing video editing or something similar then you could get more than that.

But as far as the PSU goes what country do you live in? Can you get Seasonic or an EVGA G2 where you live? Those would be far better units.