Common problem download speed


Aug 12, 2015
Hi everyone,

I reckon this is extremely common but no answer I've found so far has helped me personally so I thought I'd ask directly to hopefully see an answer tailored to my situation.

I have 180mb down and 20mb up but am getting anywhere between 5 and 25mb down on say Steam or mmo update launchers. I have never gotten more than 25mb/s even on torrents.
My settings are pretty much as you'd expect ,none of them bottlenecking my speed to my knowledge.

I am using a cable that's plugged into my pc directly from the router that's one floor down from me.
Need more info or have an idea? Please let me know! I am paying for so much more than I am getting.

1 Megabit/s = 0.125 Megabytes/sec.
If you are using the full potential of your 200mbps speed it will only show around 25mb/s so steam is downloading at 200mbps
Forgive me if you have a solid grasp of this, but internet packaged are sold in bits. Your ookla download throughput calculates to a ~22megabyte per second down speed.

Also, the server you are requesting information from seldom gives you a link speed anywhere near your internet connection's maximum, which is why you might see only a 5megabyte/second transfer speed.
Really? That's odd though. A friend of mine has 100mb down and is downloading with 80mb/s. How?

And some people who have 30 mb/s get 30mb/s. Wouldn't that also need to be only a fraction of that then? Otherwise I'd be better off buying a way worse package and get even more mb/s out of it.

No you are getting 200mbps which is fast but steam doesnt show your downloads in mbps it converts it to mbs .
Thats why you get 25mbs . 200mbps = 25mbs .

Just because your car engine can go 160mph does not mean that the road you are on allows you to go that speed.
You are only going to get data as fast as the other server sends it out.

I would test other download sites and see what speeds you can get from it to see if all downloads cap at that or just steam.

Some ISPs are bad in that they will prioritize traffic so it shows full speed and then you get 30% real speed (cough cough at&t uverse cough)

He did speedtest and is getting full speed .Its just the way steam etc converts to mbs instead of mbps.
mbps is mega bits per second MBPS or MBps or mbs is megaBytes per second as others are describing.
1 Byte = 8 bits so 100mbps connection is 12 MBs.
ISPs know that 100 sounds better for marketing then 12 so they go with the lowest unit for a higher number.

If this is not the case and you are actually talking about bits then see my earlier post about testing other download sources