Question Communicating networks?


Apr 21, 2013
I'm looking for some advice on Wifi options to connect my PC's Wifi network to my telescope mount.

I have a Dell micro 9020 PC setup and running well using my NBN Wifi connection (Telstraxxxxx).

My telescope mount is a Skywatcher AZ-GTI with built-in Wifi, it sets up it's own network (SynscanXXXX).

To control the AZ-GTI mount from the PC I have to disconnect from the NBN network and connect to the AZ-GTI network.
It all works beautifully, no problems at all.

But, using the AZ-GTI network means I no longer have an internet connection.

Is there any way I can get my NBN Wifi network to recognize and communicate with the AZ-GTI network?

Any and all advice would be most appreciated!
I know my way around computers, but networking is a mystery to me!
The best solution would be to change the telescope software so it connects to you current network. You are going to have to read manual to see what options you have.

Getting the 2 networks to communicate is not going to be simple. This in general is similar to if you have 2 internet connections and 2 routers and wanted them as 1 network. Your case is likely even worse depending on how flexible the telescope setting are.

So if you just want "access" from a single computer you could add a second wifi nic card. You still could have issues if both your main router and the telescope use the same IP range/subnet. You will need to find a way to change them so they are different.