ozboater :
A poster above you just pointed out that flight sims only use one or two cores so going for a mmany cored CPU with lower single core speed will makes the game slower.
You are only correct for older 32-bit sims like FSX and FSX: SE. This is no longer true for recent 64-bit sims..
My 8 core 16 thread uses ALL 16 threads with Prepar3d V4.4. I have seen up to 95% CPU usage using ORBX TrueEarth, PMDG, REX loaded with all sliders maxed (except for vegetation autogen, which I think looks best at Dense rather than Ultra).
Also note my stock air Ryzen 1700 runs at just 3.4 GHz but produces STUTTER FREE performance with a fixed frame rate of 30fps. I have observed stutter on a 5 GHz water cooled 8700K, so it is not all about CPU speed with the 64-bit sims. Yeah, faster CPU helps but is not all.
A poster above you just pointed out that flight sims only use one or two cores so going for a mmany cored CPU with lower single core speed will makes the game slower.
You are only correct for older 32-bit sims like FSX and FSX: SE. This is no longer true for recent 64-bit sims..
My 8 core 16 thread uses ALL 16 threads with Prepar3d V4.4. I have seen up to 95% CPU usage using ORBX TrueEarth, PMDG, REX loaded with all sliders maxed (except for vegetation autogen, which I think looks best at Dense rather than Ultra).
Also note my stock air Ryzen 1700 runs at just 3.4 GHz but produces STUTTER FREE performance with a fixed frame rate of 30fps. I have observed stutter on a 5 GHz water cooled 8700K, so it is not all about CPU speed with the 64-bit sims. Yeah, faster CPU helps but is not all.
30fps is vomit inducing garbage for VR, and will be more like 20 fps in multiplayer VR when comparing old fashioned 2D... Everything else you have said wreaks of fanboyism, I just jumped in X-Plane 11 VR and checked my CPU usage, it is stressing one core... See screenshot for proof. This is with a ton of addons and using ortho tiles at a high zoom level at a high quality custom airport in the most modern sim.
I get ZERO stutter in VR with 45-75 FPS at near max settings with my 8086 running at 4.8Ghz... She goes to 5.2 but I don't need it yet. I've attached a screenshot to prove my claims. https://i.ibb.co/RztgCC7/AAA-XPlane-CPU.png
What modern sim are you making these claims about? I've not heard of it...
I'd invite everyone here to install X-Plane 11, the demo is free. If you press ctrl+shift+F it will display the frame times coming from your CPU and GPU. Divide 1 by this number and you will get the FPS provided by each component. The lower the better (.022 is 45FPS). See screenshot.
My 5.0 Ghz 8086K is the bottleneck compared to my 1080 founders and extra cores will do nothing... Don't make the AMD mistake like the OP.
Same goes for DCS and IL2. P3D and FSX are just too old to be considered, but they were the same.
EDIT: I just noticed you mentioned P3D. So I just did a quick search, it looks like it depends on up to 4 cores and Ghz are still the most important. I haven't touched this dinosaur in over 2 years so I had to look it up. https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/80y8rk/ryzen_for_p3d/