Compaq 6019WM upgrade?


Dec 20, 2005
Debating whether to get a new system or upgrade what I have. Have upgraded previously with 2nd HD (#1-40GB/#2-120GB) and GeoForce FX 5200 card(couple of yrs old) as well as increased the memory to 1 GB. Should I replace the CPU with a 2.8-3.2 (have 1.6 P4@ present)? Or change out the motherboard and other components to make the system better? Just wondering if it would be worth it to change a few things and if it would make much difference. The ststem does OK until you use a very intense game and that is irritating. If changes were to be made, what would be suggested to get the best performance out of what I have? THANKS
Hmmm... 1.6 is pretty slow. GF5200 is an OK match for that but slow as well.

I don't think your current mobo can support new CPUs (what mobo is it to be sure) - a 1.6 is old enough it might not be socket 478.

Your RAM is sufficient, if you can get a new CPU for your old mobo it will help a lot, and you can still upgrade your graphics card, though most new cards will leave the CPU as the bottleneck, and AGP is a dying interface, so all new cards & mobos coming out are PCI-E (the replacement).

Thanks, I guessed that it would be a hassle to try to upgrade for what I wanted (considering cost against a new up to date system). I will get a new system and use the current one for backup. Thanks again.