Compatibility with computer parts help?


Jan 4, 2014
Ok, i just need a straight answer: I have, from an old computer (an Acer Aspire X3200, maybe around 2008/2009-ish), a motherboard that i'm unsure if it'll be comatible with the power supply. The motherboard is i think an Acer WMCP78M model, and the power supply is a basic/standard Rosewill 450W psu. So basically, i'm wondering if that motherboard will be compatible with this recently bought computer case: ( i'm kinda expecting the answer to be "no", "because the motherboard is WAY outdated and need to buy a new one", am i correct??
I know it fits, but what about the cords/cables? can i still connect all the cords from all the components i have into the motherboard, and it will work and not fail? I'm kind of a noob/first time computer building and i'm unsure where all and every cord/cable, should i try taking the whole thing to a nearby computer shop, or look into manuals and try to put it together myself? And sorry about my slight-bitter attitude, my first post on here went kinda rough, lol, but this does seem like a good place/forum for computer help.