compatible with this motherboard?

so would it just be better to get a sata ssd?


All I'm looking for is a small and quick boot drive to put into a pre existing build, just to speed it all up a bit, so I'm just looking for what is adequate and cheap

Yeah it doesnt have great reviews I admit, and tbh I'd really, really try to get a better one. That M2 wont be great either. Anandtech had some ok results with the V300 and benchmarks are subject to so many variables but I agree it isnt the best

Seq read/write speeds arent even that relevant. Random IOPS and latency will count more in everyday tasks.

The only thing I want off this ssd is for a boot drive, all I want it to do is to speed up my pc a bit because the 8 year old wd blue I have atm isn't cutting much slack anymore