Completing installation froze


Dec 26, 2014
Hi and thanks in advance for any help.

I recently did a scan for malware using malwarebytes and it came up with some results so I quarantined them, the next time I booted up it froze on the windows animation on the loading screen.

I then went to do a clean install after I formatted my hdd with hirens boot cd, it all goes fine untill it gets to completing installation then the 3 dots stop animating and the cursor locks up and that is how far i am getting.

I have also formatted a spare hdd and tried it and the same thing happens, I have also checked both drives with hirens for errors and they are fine.

I have checked my bios and hdd is showing up ok in port sata 0 serial ata device controlled by bios, there is no option to change anything to do with hdd apart from order to boot from.

Dell optiplex 320 is the computer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Dec 26, 2014

No sorry I don't have another one to try them on, thinking of trying sata driver tomorrow for one last attempt, although don't know what one to download or if it will even be worth it, what do you think? Any ideas.