Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.setup_deployment,microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers,microsoft.public.windowsxp.basic (More info?)
Sorry to crosspost---need the extra brainpower..
I just picked up a new Dell P-4. 40 gig drive, 512mg ram.
It has a 47 meg hidden Fat 16 partition----used by Dell? A 36 gig NTFS
(C:\) NFTS partition with XP (5<>gig used) and nuttin' else in
it--lastly, a few gig Fat 32, hidden partition at the end. All are
primary, basic.
I need to move about a dozen partitions and data from two other drives
to the new drive. I have pleanty of space. I can use a network if I get
XP back up in the new drive...?
First, I'll need to a create a 200 meg Fat Partition (Primary,bootable
for Dos---then the other Partitions will follow.)
Before reformatting, I'd like first create a partition to stash the XP
at the "end" of the drive---no space on my old drives. Then go ahead
and "destroy' the current layout, and restore XP in in a new
1. I need XP back up as I will use my network to move data from the
other drives in another box...As XP will "end up" on another partition,
(the Fat 16/Dos will become C:\), how is the best way to get XP back
running in a "new" volume.
Will the wizard be of use? (I'll be moving a W2K over and hope "repair"
will fix it...) If all else fails, it's a new install---but I have
scores upon scores of apps that need to be re-installed and
reconfigured...I hope "repair" works on W2k.
2. I'd prefer the new "XP partition" is *not* NTFS---Can I restore XP to
a newly created Fat 32 partition?
3. Partionion Magic comes up with an error (bad sequence number?!) with
the giant 36 gig NTFS partiton. Says something went wrong during
formatting (at the factory)---run chkdsk---well, it didn't work, so
don't know if I can use PM to do the work.
I believe I have acouple of DOS apps that can create my new partitions.
What is suggested?--For some reason Fdisk seems to be *not* the best
choice for this complicated task?
I do not want (or need) a boot manager---I'm fine with boot.ini---simply
a reformating/repartitioning tool... I will only have three OS's...DOS,
XP, W2k.--prolly in that order--all primary with the boot files in the
DOS partition as they are win my old drive (HD0).
Anyway, you see my plan. A Dos primay, W2k and XP following in FAT
32---- with eight or so partitions to follow, all apps and data in those.
Is there a better way to carry out my plan? (Which OS must go in last [I
know Dos is first]--W2k or XP, does it matter.) I'll have the necessary
W2k and XP boot files on a floppy (prolly not necessary).
--->Also, to save space in the "storing" of XP, can I forego moving the
750 meg pagefile? Upon "reboot", after "whatever" I restore (you'll
tell me the best method?), won't the pagefile "reappear". I'm fairly
certain the I386 (install/setup) folder is no longer necessary? Another
gig of savings in the storage partition.
Actually XP wasn't in my plan to run on the new machine, but I've always
had a second Windows install and I like it more than I thought.
Yes, I could wipe out everything and start from scratch. But in just a
few days I've already configured XP...not that I can't wipe it out and
do a fresh install...Let's assume you can help me avoid that. Um,
that's why I'm writing.)
Sorry to crosspost---need the extra brainpower..
I just picked up a new Dell P-4. 40 gig drive, 512mg ram.
It has a 47 meg hidden Fat 16 partition----used by Dell? A 36 gig NTFS
(C:\) NFTS partition with XP (5<>gig used) and nuttin' else in
it--lastly, a few gig Fat 32, hidden partition at the end. All are
primary, basic.
I need to move about a dozen partitions and data from two other drives
to the new drive. I have pleanty of space. I can use a network if I get
XP back up in the new drive...?
First, I'll need to a create a 200 meg Fat Partition (Primary,bootable
for Dos---then the other Partitions will follow.)
Before reformatting, I'd like first create a partition to stash the XP
at the "end" of the drive---no space on my old drives. Then go ahead
and "destroy' the current layout, and restore XP in in a new
1. I need XP back up as I will use my network to move data from the
other drives in another box...As XP will "end up" on another partition,
(the Fat 16/Dos will become C:\), how is the best way to get XP back
running in a "new" volume.
Will the wizard be of use? (I'll be moving a W2K over and hope "repair"
will fix it...) If all else fails, it's a new install---but I have
scores upon scores of apps that need to be re-installed and
reconfigured...I hope "repair" works on W2k.
2. I'd prefer the new "XP partition" is *not* NTFS---Can I restore XP to
a newly created Fat 32 partition?
3. Partionion Magic comes up with an error (bad sequence number?!) with
the giant 36 gig NTFS partiton. Says something went wrong during
formatting (at the factory)---run chkdsk---well, it didn't work, so
don't know if I can use PM to do the work.
I believe I have acouple of DOS apps that can create my new partitions.
What is suggested?--For some reason Fdisk seems to be *not* the best
choice for this complicated task?
I do not want (or need) a boot manager---I'm fine with boot.ini---simply
a reformating/repartitioning tool... I will only have three OS's...DOS,
XP, W2k.--prolly in that order--all primary with the boot files in the
DOS partition as they are win my old drive (HD0).
Anyway, you see my plan. A Dos primay, W2k and XP following in FAT
32---- with eight or so partitions to follow, all apps and data in those.
Is there a better way to carry out my plan? (Which OS must go in last [I
know Dos is first]--W2k or XP, does it matter.) I'll have the necessary
W2k and XP boot files on a floppy (prolly not necessary).
--->Also, to save space in the "storing" of XP, can I forego moving the
750 meg pagefile? Upon "reboot", after "whatever" I restore (you'll
tell me the best method?), won't the pagefile "reappear". I'm fairly
certain the I386 (install/setup) folder is no longer necessary? Another
gig of savings in the storage partition.
Actually XP wasn't in my plan to run on the new machine, but I've always
had a second Windows install and I like it more than I thought.
Yes, I could wipe out everything and start from scratch. But in just a
few days I've already configured XP...not that I can't wipe it out and
do a fresh install...Let's assume you can help me avoid that. Um,
that's why I'm writing.)