Compnents that will work with motherboard

Johann Botes

May 14, 2013
Im thinking of building a new pc for gaming as I my pc that is 2 years old are unable to run BF4 and a lot of other issuses.
The mother board is sleecting is the Asus Gryphon Z87
Can you all please tell me if this hardwarr will work with it

My choice is the the Intel i7-4770K, socket 1150
clock speed 3.5Ghz
Need a good proccesor as I play FLight simulator

Choosing the Corsair Vengeance Pro 8 GB
(4gb x 2) DDR3 1866

Video Card
The EVGA Geforce GTX660 2048mb Daul DVI-d
PCI express 3.0
I dont not know video cards so well. Do you think this will run bf4 good. Is this a good company?
if you know of a better video card please give me a link and can it be somewhat a the same price range.

operating system
I going to Run Windows 7 64 bit on it as some software I own does not run on Windows 8

Ok so that is what i found.
I want to add a 2X 1 TB hardives to it. Tell if it will work, can i addd any hardrive or must buy one of that are compatible for this motherboard?
Im not sure on the power supple. I have a lot of usb hardware. Must a get a higher power supply.
What else do i need?
Thank you very much

Johann Botes
I will not recommend an i7-4770k for gaming, as games don't even use all of the cores on my recommended i5-4670k. I will also recommend a GTX 760 or 770 if you can afford it. I will also recommend a RM 650 watt PSU, as USB does not require a lot of watts. The HDD's will work, just make sure to set them up in the BIOS with the drive with the OS on first.
I will not recommend an i7-4770k for gaming, as games don't even use all of the cores on my recommended i5-4670k. I will also recommend a GTX 760 or 770 if you can afford it. I will also recommend a RM 650 watt PSU, as USB does not require a lot of watts. The HDD's will work, just make sure to set them up in the BIOS with the drive with the OS on first.

Thanks for your help on this.
Think of changing the Video card to the GTX 760.
Im going to leave the i7 as I want to have a high clcok speed with out over clocking my CPU.
Thank you