Computer BSOD after boot


Dec 25, 2015
So I recently returned back to my home and was excited to rebuild my computer to play some games. Before I left I took apart my computer and put the parts back in there boxes for storage so nothing would happen to them while I was gone. After I rebuilt my computer I started to experience a multitude of problems. I assumed it was a corrupted windows 10 installation since I kept getting driver related blue screens. So I deleted my drives and reinstalled windows on my SSD. Everything was going fine after I did a clean install of windows 7. After it installed I downloaded all the drivers for my motherboard and graphics card. Now I have a new problem that whenever I open multiple applications or I start up a game it either blue screens or just simply freezes and restarts. I don’t know what could be causing the problem at all. If you need any kind of information just tell me because I’m at a dead end as for what I should do.
It’s as I said before, moving down a version of Windows like that leaves drivers behind that are not compatible. That’s where Windows takes a dump and decides to stop working.


Re-seat your CPU as it may not be making proper contact with the pins that handle the link between the CPU and RAM. Also, make sure there are no bent pins in the socket.

Next, ensure your RAM modules are properly seated in their respective slots. Once you have done that, run the Windows Memory Diagnostic tool to check the memory for any issues.

Try and do things as normal and see if the problem persists.

If it does, do a clean install of Windows 10 and not 7. Moving your OS between versions like that can cause these sorts of issues.


Dec 25, 2015
I was able to fix it by installing windows 7 and updating the chipset driver then installing windows 10. I don't know why this was the source of the problem but everything is working now.