So I recently upgraded my computer's motherboard, RAM, CPU, cooler and case. I kept the PSU, SSD, HDD and graphics card from my old build. I have my operating system installed on my SSD, I am unaware of any protocol for switching the SSD to a different motherboard, if there even is any. After I installed all the new parts, I started my computer with no initial difficulty, the power switch on the case seemed to reset it rather than power it on but it powered up after a few seconds. Everything seemed fine for the first 30 seconds, I was able to log in and open a few programs (discord, google chrome) before it completely froze. I tried resetting a few times, and realized it wouldn't be a simple fix. Thus far I have completely taken apart and put back together the computer (re-seated the RAM, CPU, cooler), unplugged and replugged everything from the motherboard and the PSU. I tried booting from my windows USB stick, I tried resetting my OS, it always freezes before anything can actually happen. The only thing that won't freeze consistently is the BIOS (which did freeze once) and the windows diagnostics screen. More recently I've noticed that my motherboard has a red light in the back that turns on after I've started to boot my PC which wasn't there before and isn't mentioned anywhere in the user manual. The only things I can think of now are that if my motherboard is somehow incompatible with my CPU, which according to PCPartPicker isn't the case, or if one of my new pieces of hardware is malfunctioning. I'm still fairly new to computer building as this is my first upgrade from my original first build so any and all help is greatly appreciated. If there is any more information that anyone requires from me I'll be happy to provide it.