Computer crash during games.


Jul 27, 2016
Has been happening for months now, my game will freeze, and my speakers emit a loud buzzing noise. I've tested every component I have including swapping out my SLI 970's for another set, same crash. Temps are fine, drivers are fine, CPU, and RAM all pass prime 95, and a few other test. Sometimes it will crash every 30min sometimes, not for 8 hours, and it's not when the GPU's are on load, a lot of the time the crash is when I pause the game, and walk away for 30+min. Anyone have any idea's I'm at a complete lost.

Win 10 64bit
970 SLI
i7 6700k
1000W PSU

Corsair rm1000i, and it leaves no crash report at all. I have not checked my HDD nor am I sure what the best way to do so is. I boot off a SSD, and have another SSD + a HDD I use for my main storage. The second SSD has never been used, and has nothing on it.

prime95 has a option for RAM also. I also just tried a few HDD and SSD health test, and all came back normal. mdsched came back with no errors also.

No nothing in it, It leaves me with nothing to go by which is why I came here. I ran memtest also last night not really sure what the results where, after a few hours my screen just goes black, and wont display anything until i reboot which basically happens with any program that takes hours to run. I have sleep, and hibernate off, memtest ran for about an hour before i fell asleep, and woke up to just a black no screen twice.

Yeah I used my roomates 850W, and it still happen. Anyone have ideas for non hardware related problems? I can't blame drivers because It's happened for months, and I've used tons of drivers.

I've already checked both SSD's, and the HDD, all check out healthy. I've tried a few times today to see the results, and its a crash each time. I open a game, pause it, go do something, and usually it takes around two hours, and it freezes at the pause menu with the buzzing through speakers.

I've played pretty much every popular game to come out in the last 6 months. Currently MGS5 is what I've been letting sit on the pause screen till the freeze, also Warhammer Total War, but freezes are less during that. And I play everything maxed out settings at 2560x1440. What throws me off is I can run every stress test I want with no problem, I just ran 3dmark maxed which is way harder to run than skimpy MGS yet 3dmark doesn't crash while regular games do.
lets see if this helps...

> download display driver uninstaller from it and uninstall all current drivers...
> power off the system and reset the cmos battery...
> clean the card properly for dust accumulation...
> power on the system and update the bios to the latest one, but before that, keep a copy of the older bios, in case the new one doesnt work...(optional)
> now go to the nvidia/amd website and download the latest drivers for the card and install them...
> along with that u should update ur...vcredist, c++ redistributable, directx, and .net framework...

let us know wat happns...

I might have a chance Monday to try if not I will be away on military orders for about 3 weeks so mods please don't close the thread I'll be right back on trying to fix it when I'm home again.

Sorry it took so long but im back now. I updated BIO's via USB flash, downloaded the latest C++, and that was it. My GPU's are already clean, .net framework said it was already up to date, and the CMO's i wanted to research before doing so I haven't done that yet. So far I haven't had a crash though, but I'll continue to play, and see what happens. The BIO's might of been the fix. The youtube link below is the exact sound my speakers make every time it crashes, figured I'd let you know what I'm hearing if it happens again.