Ive been trying to play games Like Player unknown battlegrounds and rust but my computer wont play them anymore, I can start the game and sometimes get to the settings but most of the time as soon as it starts to load into the menu it crashes the computer. However from a previous test when i take my granfathers really old graphics card and put it into my system it functions fine for low graphics games but of course it wont run those high end games i currently run a gtx 1070 an upgrade from my 970. The 970 broke so i sent it in and they gave me a 1070 but for some reason its still crashing depening on the day somtimes it will run for 5 minutes or 5 seconds. however the computer can idle fine sometimes but other times even idling crashes it PLEASE HELP I WANT TO PLAY MY GAMES!!!!!
PC specs are intel Core i5 4690k
Asus z97-a motherboard
Cruical 8 gb ddr3 ram
EVGA gtx 1070
and a EVGA supernova 750w gold PSU (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438017)
PC specs are intel Core i5 4690k
Asus z97-a motherboard
Cruical 8 gb ddr3 ram
EVGA gtx 1070
and a EVGA supernova 750w gold PSU (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817438017)