Question Computer does not recognize memory

Jan 4, 2025
Hello, I also need your help if possible! I have an Asus p8z68-v lx motherboard and I'm trying to put ram on it, model cmx8gx3m4a1600c9 xms3 Corsair 8 gb each, two boards, but instead of 16 gb it only shows me 4 gb in the bios. Did I do something wrong or do I need to activate something? Thank you very much!
Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

= = = =

Is the RAM you purchased on the motherboards QVL (Qualified Vendors List) of supported RAM?

Did you install the RAM by following the installation instructions in the Motherboards' User Guide/Manual?

(Some motherboards require that the first physically installed RAM be placed in a specific RAM slot. DIMM_A2 likely.)

Where did you purchase the RAM? Matched kit for dual channel use?

More information needed.