Computer Doesn't Turn On


Jan 9, 2015
Yesterday I was using my computer like always with no problem turned it off and went to sleep. Today I woke up and my computer doesn't turn ON.

When I click the power button all the computer lights turn ON and the fans start, the pc looks like it is running. After 10 mins of waiting without image our sound I tried to restart/power off using the front panel buttons but they were disabled. To turn it off again I had to use the PSU kill switch.

It's not a screen problem, I have two screens and both work fine. I'm pretty sure computer doesn't boot, my headset isn't doing the windows start-up sound.

This problem happened to me once before. I opened the case and the GPU cables were only partly connected. Everything seems to be well connected this time and I've checked if all the fans are working and everything seems to be perfect.
If it had gone into hibernation, you'll need to give it more than ten minutes before deciding it's not coming back on. It wouldn't give out boot style sounds if it was only trying to wake. I've always turned hibernation off in any Windows system newer than XP. Give it one more try and plenty of time. If after ah nour, nothing has happened, use a DVD of the relevant OS and click StartUp Repair - sometimes that offers yiou the chance to delete the restore files and if you accept, on a restart the system will work.,
Does your computer beeps in any way when you turning it on or is it silent?
Most of the times when i had similar problems i had something "disconnected"
so reconnect all the cables + rams cpu gpu an so on.
If that wont work then your rams or cpu might just died on you.

No Beeps. It's unusual for hardware to die when its turned off. Computer has less than a year none of the components are that old to just die from usage.

The first thing I thought was something wasn't well connected but everything seems in place

Well thats true that pc wont die while they are turned off in most cases it happens when you try to boot them.
In any case try disconnecting rams and see if your motherboard actually beeps without them.
As i recall it should make long beeps.
Also you could try totake out the battery from motherboard and wait for a bit then put it back in it should reset the bios that might work.
it isnt impossible for a computer to "die" when its off. after all, it is still connected with the power to the wall. however, something like that would mean it doesnt even attempt to startup at all.
as vendigo said, try resetting the bios first. if that doesnt work, disconnect all non essential items to narrow it down. if you have disc drives, disconnect them, if you have multiple ram chips, minimize it to one, etc.
do you ever see the bios splash screen at all during the startup?

I disconnected the RAM and no beeps. It's weird. Even so it never loads the bios so its not strange not to hear bios sounds. Even without ram the computer would still load the bios. It's a very strange problem, I'm thinking it can be some kind of short circuit from the unplugged PSU cables but I'm lost. I know the motherboard has power cause the fans are all running


Nope. The only screen I see is the monitor telling me he was connected to something. After a while it says there is no signal


Well lets just hope its not short circuit.
Have you tried resetting bios?
Btw ive never came across a motherboard that would not beep at some point so with ram removed try removing GPU and tell what happens.

I was trying not to take him apart. Something is stoping the computer from launching the bios. Sine the bios doesnt start the computer stays in an infinite loop doing nothing. Thats what it looks like. And without bios the power off/restart button doesnt work.

Im avoiding taking the computer apart cause I don't think it will help (removing the ram did no diference).

Motherboard doesnt need GPU to start so it shouldnt be the problem
honestly, next step would be to reset the bios. at this point, there is going to be no option but to open the case up and start doing different things to get it to work. if bios doesnt work, i would start questiong psu or MB

Ok i guess i needed to explain a little better why im trying to make you take apart your computer one by one but since english is not my native language i avoided doing so.
Anyways here is the thing... on the motherboard as in all other devices electricity runs in circle.

1. when you connect your psu to motherboard and power it on. the green light on motherboard lits up if the circuit is ok.
And since your fans are working then its probably ok.

2. When you press power button - motherboard lets the currency flow, but now it has to go via all hardware.
If even one device is not working (excluding hdd and cdrom) its most the time stops there but booting up is not terminated. if devices that has problems, load order is higher than bios you will get no beep. The higher load order in my experience has rams cpu and gpu at least as i recall it used to, So if they are not connected at all currency is not stopped so it loads bios in the end and it beeps or should anyway in a way of what it checks first (probably cpu or ram). Now about your fans they are still running - well thats because they re on different circuit.
Why i told to take out rams - coz its easiest to take out at least for me. Besides not all motherboard beeps without GPU.
Since ive read the last post where you told that your screen is showing that your monitors is not connected - next is GPU.

Sorry for my bad english
what vendigo said, is absolutely right. bad components are notorious for causing booting issues, whether it is not starting at all, or causing long load times. it is unavoidable to take it apart, otherwise you will sit there turning it on/off multiple times, and still getting nothing accomplished.
p.s. you can run a computer without a HDD and ram, or other components. obviously, you cannot do much without them other than look at bios, but you can start a computer, without them. without ram, it will give you a series of beeps telling you that there is no ram. without a hdd, it will visually tell you that there is no OS found.
if you actually removed all ram, and it didnt beep, the cycle is ending before it got to the ram.
Took out the GPU, no beeps.

Reseted the bios no diference.

I think there is a problem with the circuit as well. I cant find the problem.

[strike]Should I remove the HDD? [/strike]
No HDD still no beeps 🙁

Removing the CPU is alot harder since I dont have thermal paste to apply after

Thank you for the help so far this is an annoying problem
hmm. well, if you remove the CPU, it simply wont do anythign, so taking it out to test, will not help.
the system will initialize the CPU first, and then start the posting process, which includes accessing the bios. if it doesnt get to the bios, which seems to be the case, then it can only be a couple things. it could be the board. it could be the PSU, or the CPU (i doubt that it is). i would first believe that it is the PSU more than anythign else.

I'm gonna take out the cpu just to clean it and the heat sink.

There is no way for me to check if the PSU is working fine or not, But i can see it is giving some power so it wasn't some kind of electrical discharge that burned it.

For the moment I will take everything apart clean it and place it back together.
giving power, and enough power are different. it may power up, but if it isnt supplying the right amount of power, that is as far as it goes. example: you could have a car battery that has 10v of power, but if the battery is no good, the 10v will never start the vehicle.

I got a CX600 I ve searched and lot of people had problem with it, but their computers would crash after start, mine keeps running.

My problem must be from the PSU, CPU or mobo

PSU - corsair CX600
CPU - FX6300
Mobo - Asrock 970 pro3

I don't know wich component is faulty and trying to find it now. Gonna try to breadboard to see if anything happens.