Last May I built a new computer, it runs quite well apart from it freezes daily. It doesn't matter if I'm doing something performance heavy or just browsing the internet, it just freezes and if audio is playing it sounds like the song or whatever plays the last millisecond repeatedly causing it to be extremely loud. When it freezes, I turn the computer off at the power button. This crash happens at least once per day, and I'm worried it will soon affect my computer besides being a huge inconvenience (I sometimes lose a lot of work when this happens.) So I'm looking for a way to fix this.
Motherboard: Asus P8Z77- V LX
CPU: Intel I5 3570
Video Card: nVidia Gigabyte GTX 660
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4)
PSU: 450 Watts, not sure on the model, I used the PSU from my old computer, possibly my new system doesn't get enough power?
HD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 7200rpm
OS: Windows 7 Professional N 64-bit
When installing the OS, my dad had to fiddle around with the installation because it wasn't accepting it, so he tried installing XP, then upgrading to 7, I'm not sure on the details but 7 was working in the end.
How can I fix this crash? Is there enough power? Are the parts incompatible or something? Today it has frozen four times, two within the space of 20 minutes, this is the most it has ever frozen in one day, maybe because I was fiddling round with the components?
I've just checked event viewer, and for each time my com0puter crashes, it creates a log about kernal-power ID 41?
Motherboard: Asus P8Z77- V LX
CPU: Intel I5 3570
Video Card: nVidia Gigabyte GTX 660
RAM: Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2 x 4)
PSU: 450 Watts, not sure on the model, I used the PSU from my old computer, possibly my new system doesn't get enough power?
HD: Seagate Barracuda 1TB 7200rpm
OS: Windows 7 Professional N 64-bit
When installing the OS, my dad had to fiddle around with the installation because it wasn't accepting it, so he tried installing XP, then upgrading to 7, I'm not sure on the details but 7 was working in the end.
How can I fix this crash? Is there enough power? Are the parts incompatible or something? Today it has frozen four times, two within the space of 20 minutes, this is the most it has ever frozen in one day, maybe because I was fiddling round with the components?
I've just checked event viewer, and for each time my com0puter crashes, it creates a log about kernal-power ID 41?