It's still getting worse. Now, my computer's having around ten to twenty bluescreens a day.
Here are the most recent minidumps on my computer. Also, I'll have to remind you, again, that I'm not reformatting my computer. Not only am I pretty sure that it won't solve my bluescreen problem, but I can't afford any stuff to backup my computer.
most current bugcheck: Icue running, something attempted to access memory location 10. most likely a bogus memory address. most likely a just part of a header for a size.
suspect driver installed.
kdcom.dll Mon Mar 30 11:11:00 2037
kernel mode debugger extension?
I would expect this bug is cause by a driver corruption issue.
second one was another bogus memory address. memory address 18. again, most likely part of a driver header for a memory allocation size of 18
third bugcheck was a timeout in your nvidia graphics driver.
(only suspect timers were in the graphics driver and the ndis network driver)
4th bugcheck looks like something in the kernel tried to access memory address 2 (bogus address, likely to be pool memory size from a driver header)
5th bugcheck.
icue software running.
driver memory reference count is messed up.
-overall, I would reinstall / update the icue software.
-I would be looking for a driver that is overwriting kernel memory.
you have to find the driver at the time of the corruption rather than later when it corrupts another drivers data. The only way to do this is to turn on verifier.exe flags to force each driver to use special pool. This will cause a bugcheck at the time of the driver memory allocation and should name the driver.
you should remove the scarlet crush driver before you attempt turning on verifier. you can download autoruns from here.
disable the load of the scarlet crush driver, reboot, set your verifier flags and reboot again and wait for a bugcheck. the minidump should show the driver name.
Sometimes you will need to change the memory dump type to kernel for issues related to USB or plug and play. the kernel dumps will contain internal error logs and will show what is running on all of your cpu cores rather than just one.
after you get your bugcheck, you turn off verifier, then run autoruns then you can reenable your scarlet crush driver if you want.
in any case you should change to a kernel memory dump