Computer is very slow, crashes all of the time, and doesn't turn on properly.


Oct 21, 2016
I posted a thread a while ago when this issue started but it has only gotten worse. My issue first started several months after I upgraded my PC. I bought a new Motherboard, CPU, GPU, and RAM, so practically I built a new PC. Everything was fine and work perfectly until I started to notice that my computer wouldn't turn back on when it was in sleep mode when I clicked on my mouse or tapped my keyboard, also when I tried to restart my PC it would take several tries for my windows to load up (My computer would turn on but my monitor would stay off, and I couldn't see anything being booted up). Then about a month ago my computer started freezing (this is fairly rare for it to just freeze though) or it would simply shut off. Now all of my games (including MINECRAFT, out of all games <removed> minecraft runs on like 30 fps). I overall feel like my PC has gotten very slow, and that it can't handle many programs open like it use to. Any thought or response would be appreciated as I know there are some computer savvy people on here :)

Things I think may be wrong.
- I feel like my GPU isn't running at its full potential. I'm not sure if its my power supply that isn't doing good or what. I put all of my specs on PCPartpicker and it said that I would need about 350 Watts of power, but I'm sure my PSU is 500-550 Watts.

- I also think that maybe my harddrive is faulty. I haven't experienced any data loss, but I guess that could be the problem since my computer doesn't seem to turn on completely half the time.


Motherboard: MSI 970 Gaming Motherboard
CPU: AMD FX-8350 8 Cores
RAM: Not sure what brand but I have 16GB of DDR3 I believe
OS: Windows 10 x64 bit

Also, I factory reset my PC thinking that I might have a virus but that didn't help.

Language removed by moderator. - G
let's also check thermals with HWMonitor....(Use the free one, SETUP/English, at the middle- left of page)

Gather your mainboard/chipset drivers. and GPU driver/software packages, and do a clean install. (A factory reset is normally fine, but, would likely install whatever drivers were original to the system, on top of whatever WIndows detects after reboot. As you already replaced CPU, MB, a factory reset "is this a prebuilt, and, if so, what MB/CPU were originally installed?) to other hardware might not be what you need)


I don't know the brand as I bought it about 4-5 years ago, but I will be opening up my case and doing a dust cleaning soon so I'll let you know.

I reset my PC less than 3 weeks ago so I really don't think that could be the issue. And I built this PC, it wasn't prebuilt.


I'm using the default one that comes with the motherboard, I haven't changed/updated anything with the BIOS. I'll see if there are any updates!