Computer Keeps Crashing


Aug 30, 2018
So My computer stopped BSOD and now it just frames drops after gaming for a few hours, but only on league of legends no other games crash. But it just freezes my PC and I have to shut it off and turn it back on I have updated drivers, looked into my event viewer to fix issues in there. I thought it was my Logitech headset crashing it, so I used a different headset and it still crashed. I am honestly emotionally exhausted with my PC constantly crashing. I have no idea how to fix it when I cant even see crash logs other than the event viewer. If anyone could help that would be great I only just built this custom PC almost a year ago, so it shouldn't be all messed up and it only started crashing recently but it did BSOD for about a month after I reinstalled windows to install my optane memory. It doesn't BSOD anymore it just freezes and I cant move anything, but only with league of legends. I've played hours on other games and its perfectly fine.
BSOD is something very random this days... but they USED to specify hardware issues... could be that your Graphics card has actually an issue.
But before that i would recommend you to:
-Open your PC and cleanse it from all dust
-Remove the Graphic card and clean it & clean the PCIE connectors from both motherboard and GPU
-IF ABLE try Switching the PCI-E port to another one.

This does sound like your video card is bad.

Some things that can help us answer better:

What type of Graphics Card do you have?
Custom or Brand PC?
AMD or Intel
Recent or Older PC?
How old?

The only other way to test is if you have onboard graphics, remove that video card in question and try and see if the games run with the onboard video card and see if the freezing stops. If the issues stop while using the onboard graphics, then it's most likely the GFX Card. If you have an older architecture that does not have onboard graphics, then it may be a little harder to diagnose or troubleshoot if you don't have an extra card around to test.

You can always buy a cheap inexpensive card to test, and if your system gets stable, at least you'll know what is wrong and you can decide to keep the card (or return it) and pick a direction from there. Good luck!
I have a gtx 1080ti in my custom PC that I just bought around may 2018 so its highly unlikely that its gone bad. I do have onboard graphics but I'm not sure it could run league with just that and the processor I could try it though. I've never had this issue before though.

Cards and components go bad regardless of their age and for whatever reason. I had a brand new 1070 Founders Edition Card that I bought and it went out on me in 2 months. Was able to RMA it, but yeah..... Multiple "Brand New" or "Bought a few weeks ago.." components that I have purchased or ran into during my 30 year career in the industry is very common....

Never assume and always test when it comes to PC's. I've seen a lot of peeps have issues with the 1080 GTX cards for some reason, which is why I stuck with my 1060 6G one.

Of course the game won't run good with the onboard GFX, but we're trying to pinpoint the issue and it does seem like it's your card. The only way to eliminate that suggestion is by testing and finding out for sure.

Alright so I can check unplug it, and I'll run it on the monitor the onboard graphics are on and see from there. I have a warranty so I'm not too worried but it is a pain.

Another thing I pointed out is that it only crashes when I play league after a few hours I can play anything else for hours on end. And league hardly uses my GPU.

update 3 hours in with my other gpu a gtx 1050 ti while streaming league and no crash, I have a theory that putting my pc in sleep mode and then going back the next day could have been crashing it.
be sure to update the motherboard audio driver from the motherboard vendors website. the motherboard audio driver can conflict with the GPU audio support for HDMI. It tends to crash the GPU audio driver. The problem was fixed at the end of summer of 2017.

There is also issues with old USB drivers that can cause this problem.
(generally happens when old usb devices are plugged in, even when they are removed the driver becomes hidden and not removed, the hidden driver still causes problems) This can be detected with the windows debugger if you provide a kernel memory dump. You can also run usbview.exe use this version


I have made the decision to send my GPU back for repair to see if there are any issues. Hopefully after I get it back the problem won't persist. The issue was it would freeze and not BSOD anymore it would just not respond and then I'd have to restart it so I cant look at a dump file if it was never created.
if you get the GPU back and still have a problem, you should google how to force a memory dump using a keyboard, make the registry settings then force a memory dump of a working system and save it. Later if the graphic driver hangs try to force a memory dump again. the memory dump may show why it hung.

you might also consider using control panel and disabling all audio sources that do not have a speaker connected to them. IE turn of the GPU audio support if you don't have speakers in your monitor that get sound input from the video cable. (hdmi or display port)


Okay not the GPU it just crashed And i got my bsod error the same ladfgss.sys error driver not equal or less than this is so getting old
Basically when its not my Logitech headset it'll freeze and not bsod but when it is it bsod and say ladfgss.sys driver not equal or less than so maybe it is the hidden driver because I've uninstalled logitech gaming software and everything.

An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high. This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
Arg1: 0000000000000024, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000001, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: fffff80eed001eef, address which referenced memory

Debugging Details:





BUILD_VERSION_STRING: 10.0.17134.285 (WinBuild.160101.0800)

SYSTEM_MANUFACTURER: System manufacturer

SYSTEM_PRODUCT_NAME: System Product Name


SYSTEM_VERSION: System Version

BIOS_VENDOR: American Megatrends Inc.


BIOS_DATE: 03/15/2018





Kernel Generated Triage Dump




BUGCHECK_P4: fffff80eed001eef

WRITE_ADDRESS: fffff8032f668388: Unable to get MiVisibleState
Unable to get NonPagedPoolStart
Unable to get NonPagedPoolEnd
Unable to get PagedPoolStart
Unable to get PagedPoolEnd


fffff80e`ed001eef 894824 mov dword ptr [rax+24h],ecx


CPU_MHZ: 1068

CPU_VENDOR: GenuineIntel




CPU_MICROCODE: 6,9e,9,0 (F,M,S,R) SIG: 84'00000000 (cache) 84'00000000 (init)

BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)

BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)






ANALYSIS_SESSION_TIME: 09-23-2018 04:29:15.0504

ANALYSIS_VERSION: 10.0.17134.12 x86fre

TRAP_FRAME: fffff803321afb90 -- (.trap 0xfffff803321afb90)
NOTE: The trap frame does not contain all registers.
Some register values may be zeroed or incorrect.
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000002000
rdx=ffffb88832528180 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
rip=fffff80eed001eef rsp=fffff803321afd20 rbp=fffff803321afd90
r8=ffffb88832528180 r9=0000000000000029 r10=ffffb8881b5ffbb0
r11=ffffb888326f3110 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000
iopl=0 nv up ei pl zr na po nc
fffff80e`ed001eef 894824 mov dword ptr [rax+24h],ecx ds:00000000`00000024=????????
Resetting default scope

LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from fffff8032f3d4f69 to fffff8032f3c4380

fffff803`321afa48 fffff803`2f3d4f69 : 00000000`0000000a 00000000`00000024 00000000`00000002 00000000`00000001 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
fffff803`321afa50 fffff803`2f3d1be5 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000001 ffffb888`1c1a07c0 ffffb888`1c1a0800 : nt!KiBugCheckDispatch+0x69
fffff803`321afb90 fffff80e`ed001eef : ffffb88b`dbd68a20 00000000`00000000 ffffb88b`d646a010 fffff80e`ecbd2040 : nt!KiPageFault+0x425
fffff803`321afd20 ffffb88b`dbd68a20 : 00000000`00000000 ffffb88b`d646a010 fffff80e`ecbd2040 fffff80e`ed002488 : ladfGSS+0x1eef
fffff803`321afd28 00000000`00000000 : ffffb88b`d646a010 fffff80e`ecbd2040 fffff80e`ed002488 ffffb88b`dbccd010 : 0xffffb88b`dbd68a20

THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC: 9b09444d3870c5b37532804c473e15f8577ba044

THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD_FUNC_OFFSET: 4ffa0c3ddb52cae2d8f68c90a91bf294edc0e7a1

THREAD_SHA1_HASH_MOD: e102ced7bed84968427f9e563f937b2582775578

fffff80e`ed001eef 894824 mov dword ptr [rax+24h],ecx








STACK_COMMAND: .thread ; .cxr ; kb


FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: AV_ladfGSS!unknown_function

BUCKET_ID: AV_ladfGSS!unknown_function

PRIMARY_PROBLEM_CLASS: AV_ladfGSS!unknown_function

TARGET_TIME: 2018-09-23T08:46:44.000Z

OSBUILD: 17134







OSNAME: Windows 10

OSEDITION: Windows 10 WinNt TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal



OSBUILD_TIMESTAMP: 2018-08-30 22:15:01



BUILDOSVER_STR: 10.0.17134.285



FAILURE_ID_HASH_STRING: km:av_ladfgss!unknown_function

FAILURE_ID_HASH: {749995a4-6982-b791-9668-d75ecc3d437f}

Followup: MachineOwner

I assume my drivers are getting something improper but I don't know what.
Logitech Gaming Framework Surround Filter Driver
start cmd.exe or powershell as an admin then run
It will show the list of filter drivers that the system has loaded. check the list and see if you can find the one for the device and unload it. poorly written filter drivers can mess with each other by modifying data that it should not modify. Sometimes malware will install a filter driver, some old virus scanners can also cause problems via filter drivers. focus on filter drivers that are not on the list below.

here is what my machine has loaded:
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> fltmc.exe /?

** Invalid command
Valid commands:
load Loads a Filter driver
unload Unloads a Filter driver
filters Lists the Filters currently registered in the system
instances Lists the Instances for a Filter or Volume currently
registered in the system
volumes Lists all volumes/RDRs in the system
attach Creates a Filter Instance to a Volume
detach Removes a Filter Instance from a Volume

Use fltmc help [ command ] for help on a specific command
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> fltmc.exe filters

Filter Name Num Instances Altitude Frame
------------------------------ ------------- ------------ -----
wcnfs 1 409900 0
WdFilter 17 328010 0
storqosflt 0 244000 0
wcifs 1 189900 0
CldFlt 0 180451 0
FileCrypt 0 141100 0
luafv 1 135000 0
npsvctrig 1 46000 0
Wof 15 40700 0
FileInfo 17 40500 0
PS C:\WINDOWS\system32>


Well it really is weird that this only happens with league of legends, like I've never crashed why playing anything else. Its super weird. I use malwarebytes and I had this issue when I unistalled it as well so even if I do this wouldn't it just come back every time i restart my pc
it is common for filter drivers to mess up each other. when you remove the filter driver it will not load on the next boot.
filter drivers are drivers that extend the functionality of a core windows component. For example, a virus scanner filter driver might install and get first peek at all network activity and file activity to scan for viruses. doing this can cause delays and bugs crop up. it is very common for a old network driver to cause a error that prevents a virus filter driver from completing. Network drivers are not updated by windows, you have to update them your self from your motherboard vendors website or from the network driver chip vendors website. other (non Microsoft) filter drivers will have to be updated by the vendor and might depend on the firmware version of the device. It is pretty common for uninstall programs to not bother to remove the filter driver.


I really hope this works because I'm running out of options lol
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.285]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Filter Name Num Instances Altitude Frame
------------------------------ ------------- ------------ -----
iaStorAfs 1 385100 0
WdFilter 5 328010 0
storqosflt 0 244000 0
wcifs 1 189900 0
CldFlt 0 180451 0
FileCrypt 0 141100 0
luafv 1 135000 0
npsvctrig 1 46000 0
Wof 3 40700 0
FileInfo 5 40500 0


I don't see it
see if you have a logitech service running called
or search your hard driver for the file ladfgss.sys (check the date/timestamp of the file)
and see if you can delete it. you might have to boot into safe mode if the file is in use. after you delete the file, reboot and confirm that it is still deleted . some drivers are in a hidden driver store and will be replaced on the next reboot on if you delete them manually.

you could also go to
and see if you can update the software.


I do not have a service or driver called that. I've looked that up before and it just brings me to the Logitech gaming software which I've uninstalled before and reinstalled. I need that program to use my mouse, webcam, and headset to mess around with settings etc. I'm just interested in the IRQL error saying that its getting a improper address and what that means. I tried to read the stack text in my dump file, but I don't know how.
here is what the bugcheck means. it means the driver told windows that it already has all of the data it need currently loaded in memory and that the driver should be given priority to run. this is a higher priority than the window memory manager. The problem happened because the drivers data was corrupter and it tried to access memory location 24 which is a bogus memory location(kernel memory address generally start with 0xff and look something like this 0xffffac56). when this happened it generated a page fault which would call the windows memory manager to get the page but the window memory manager can not run because the driver has the priority to run. This means the driver is waiting for the windows memory manager to get the memory but the windows memory manager can not run until the driver completes. this deadlocks the system and leads to the bugcheck.
the memory address of 24 is likely a header size rather than a memory address. This means that a driver has corrupted the memory. It would be a common bug.

if you have already updated the drivers, you might check to see if any of the devices have firmware that can be updated. a firmware/driver miss match could cause this type of corruption.
most often a driver will corrupt its own memory but sometimes a driver will corrupt the memory of the driver next to it in memory. These can be hard to find since windows will load the drivers in a different order on each boot. Generally you would have to run cmd.exe as an admin then run
verifier.exe /all /standard
then reboot the system. this will force windows to do extra driver checking and will force a bugcheck when a driver does something wrong. (like writing to memory that it does not own)
the driver will be named in the bugcheck memory dump.

sometimes with a kernel memory dump (not the minidump) you can look at the raw stack and figure out what was corrupted and why. It is a lot easier if you run verifier.

note: if you run verifier, be sure you know how to get into safe mode so you can turn verifier off if you bugcheck during the boot process. When you are done testing you have to run this command:
verifier.exe /reset
or your machine will run slowly until you do.


Okay so how can I put my PC in safemode, and I in updated the firmware on all devices since its a framework audio filter driver I figured it was the headset. I still think its odd that it blue screens and gives that error code with my Logitech headset, but when I used my sades headset it just did what the error did and froze my pc, but didn't blue screen it I had to manually shut it off. So I need to run the verifier in safe mode though correct?