[SOLVED] Computer locks up when opening a game

Jan 17, 2019
Hello all, I just came here to ask if anyone can help me with this issue. Previously, I have been gaming off the Ryzen 5 2400g Integrated GPU and now that I have a dedicated graphics card every time I open a game my computer locks up after a couple of seconds/minutes. I have tried installing a fresh copy of Windows and used DDU to remove all of the Integrated GPU drivers yet I still get constant lock ups and it only happens when I play any game, it never occurs while browsing the web or just left idle my temps also seem to be pretty fine never going above 60 degrees, any help would be appreciated!

Mobo: Gigabyte b350m ds3h
Ram:8x1gb 3000mhz Hyperx
Gpu: Amd Rx 480
cpu: ryzen 5 2400g
hdd: WD 1 Tb 7.2k Rpm
Okay I assume you have the power connections going to the 480, and your monitor is plugged into the 480 not the motherboard.

And consider updating the BIOS on your motherboard if 1&2 are done correctly

Everything in your system except the 480 are working great. Ram is at 2666 instead of 3000 but that can be worked on later

I have a 650w Corsair bronze power supply, and i got the GPU from a family member of mine. \


according to them it was it hasn't been used, for context he sells computer parts, I bought this GPU off of him.

I'll try it when I get home and get back to you ASAP, i posted this in advance, wasn't expecting such a quick reply haha

Okay I assume you have the power connections going to the 480, and your monitor is plugged into the 480 not the motherboard.

And consider updating the BIOS on your motherboard if 1&2 are done correctly

Everything in your system except the 480 are working great. Ram is at 2666 instead of 3000 but that can be worked on later

Yeah I have power connectors plugged into the gpu and the monitor is also plugged into the GPU, I'll try to update the motherboard bios, however, if I remember correctly I already had updated to the latest bios, anyways I'll check.


Ok, I just updated the bios and so far so good, no crashes/lock ups yet :)