Computer not detecting nvidia drivers?

Helgast kitty

Jan 2, 2013
Whenever I turn on my computer the picture comes up with...
-various white horizontal lines going across the screen

-very low color quality and resolution of 800*600 that looks very similar to windows 98

-my monitor detects the signal from my video card, but windows doesn't seem to know that it's nvidia, because there's no option for nvidia control panel when i right click.

-If I hit the restart button on my tower the computer boots up normally, until i turn it off for a while then back on. I've tried 2 different drivers (the newest one, and i don't know the other one)

My specs...
-MSI GTX 670
-core i5 3570k
-Windows 7 Home Premium
-8G (super talent)

Any ideas on what might be causing this?

Helgast kitty

Jan 2, 2013

Unfortunately the problem just got worse, and I had to RMA the card. When I get it back I'll use it for a few days then reply again to say if it was actually the card that was the problem.