Computer not detecting SSD or HDD


Jun 4, 2015
So I have my PC with Windows 7 and I wanted to format the SSD I bought a while ago and install Windows 10 on it, the problem is that my SSD is not being detected in the computer ("Manage" tool also not detecting it) nor in the BIOS. To be honest, as you can see in the image below, not one of my drives is detected in the BIOS which is strange since my computer still boots normally.

Anyways, that's what I wanna know, I want to make my SSD or HDD detectable in order to install Windows 10.
It might be usefuI to know that I currently have a RAID partition (the one that boots the system~WIN7).

Thanks in advance.
Welcome, Brahtha!

What @saint19 is asking is what kind of a RAID array do you have configured?
As for the detection issue, I'd recommend you to check for any SATA driver updates from your motherboard manufacturer on their website.
Another thing that might help you get the drives recognized is resetting BIOS. Here's a tutorial:
However, this will put your BIOS settings back to factory defaults, so you'd need to re-configure them afterwards.
If you have the booting drives in RAID mode, the main BIOS won't be able to see them. However, they should be visible in RAID BIOS which usually shows up after the main BIOS screen.
Are you able to boot into your Windows 7 OS? If you are, I'd suggest you to check Disk Management and see how the drives appear there.

Keep us posted! :)
Is the following image enough to see what kind of a RAID array I have configured?

I've tried to update my SATA driver and it said it was up-to-day already.
Yes, I have the booting drives in RAID mode. And yes, I'm able to boot into my Windows 7 OS. There's nothing in the Disk Management, I've already checked before.

Something strange I noticed is that I used my HDD to external HDD device and the SSD ran just fine...

This is what I mean by "HDD to external HDD device", I don't know the actual name or term for it.
I already said, I have my BIOS configured for RAID, and I know I need AHCI for the SSD to work but how will I keep both RAID and AHCI mode for different SATA ports? That's what I can't figure how to do.

You can not, you need set RAID mode for all the ports, select the disk that will be on RAID and the SSD should be not included there. After that, you need to load the specific RAID driver for your motherboard, after that, you will see the disk.
How do I "load the specific RAID driver" for my motherboard? If you mean update the driver then I already did it, if it isn't that then explain yourself please.

Here are two more images of my BIOS, it might help.

Hey there again, Brahtha!

Sorry for the late reply, though! I'd recommend you to take a look at this thread and see the suggested solution to the issue:
I think it might work with you as well.
In case it doesn't, refer to your motherboard manufacturer's tech support for assistance or the mobo manual itself for any guidance on how to set it all up with your BIOS version.

Hope this helps. Keep us posted though! :)