I've been using my computer for about 2 years now and this whole month, it has been randomly restarting while I am playing games. This occurs about once every day. I updated all my drivers just yesterday and I also cleaned out my computer from any dust. My power options are set to balanced and my maximum processor state % is set to 60%. I set my CPU to run on all 6 cores. I play all my games at low-medium settings and my CPU temperature stays at about 50C-60C. I'm guessing that the issue is overheating as I don't know any other reason on why it restarts.
When my computer restarts, I head in the minidump folder and upload my .dmp file onto osronline.com . Here it tells me why my computer crashes and this is what it has to say. http://prntscr.com/ixtan9
Please help me and thank you for your time!
CPU: AMD FX-6300 6-Core
CPU Cooler: Hyper Master 212 Evo
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 750 TI
Power Supply: EVGA 600W 80+ Bronze
I've been using my computer for about 2 years now and this whole month, it has been randomly restarting while I am playing games. This occurs about once every day. I updated all my drivers just yesterday and I also cleaned out my computer from any dust. My power options are set to balanced and my maximum processor state % is set to 60%. I set my CPU to run on all 6 cores. I play all my games at low-medium settings and my CPU temperature stays at about 50C-60C. I'm guessing that the issue is overheating as I don't know any other reason on why it restarts.
When my computer restarts, I head in the minidump folder and upload my .dmp file onto osronline.com . Here it tells me why my computer crashes and this is what it has to say. http://prntscr.com/ixtan9
Please help me and thank you for your time!
CPU: AMD FX-6300 6-Core
CPU Cooler: Hyper Master 212 Evo
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 750 TI
Power Supply: EVGA 600W 80+ Bronze