I have a Dell Precision Workstation 690 running Win7 64-bit SP1 (and all current updates) with 16 GB of RAM. I have disabled hard drive caching due to the amount of RAM that have in hopes of making things run straight from RAM, which may not be the best idea, but, better, I think, than the 32GB swap file windows wants to create. I am *NOT*, repeat, *NOT* using this as a file-server, but rather a gaming machine. I got it for free, couldn't resist. <*grins*>
Anyhow, the applications, and especially the games load veeeery slow. One loaded they are fine and respond as expected. I took note, that the physical RAM, with no hard drive cache to write to, still refuses to budge above, say, 25 to 30%...ever....
Is there such a way as to tell Windows to stop being such a "must dump RAM to hard disk" system and actually *USE* the RAM I have more effectively?
Note to UNIX/ Linux users: Yes, I know your O/S Totally rocks, But I have no longer the time, nor attention to learn a new command-line driven o/s. Sorry.
Anyhow, the applications, and especially the games load veeeery slow. One loaded they are fine and respond as expected. I took note, that the physical RAM, with no hard drive cache to write to, still refuses to budge above, say, 25 to 30%...ever....
Is there such a way as to tell Windows to stop being such a "must dump RAM to hard disk" system and actually *USE* the RAM I have more effectively?
Note to UNIX/ Linux users: Yes, I know your O/S Totally rocks, But I have no longer the time, nor attention to learn a new command-line driven o/s. Sorry.