Computer restart on overclocking


Sep 11, 2018

I'm overclocking my 6700k on Gigabyte z170x-Gaming 7.
On too low voltage system throws BSOD - that's OK and I understand this.
But even when I put voltage higher I can achieve system freeze and after maybe 4-5 seconds it restarts - so I guess BIOS does that.
Is there any variable I should change (for example some max power for processor?) to avoid this?

It's not heat-related. I've achieved 4.5/4.5 on Small FFT where it has gone to 100 degrees and Intel self-protection kicked in reducing the clock speed. No shutdowns.
And it's not restarting in Prime95. It happens when I switch to Firefox with some puny benchmark in background, so temperatures are about 60-70 high.

And also a side question - I've read that people are overclocking cache more than core to remove memory bottleneck, but when I set cache even 100mhz faster than core - instant bsod. Increasing voltage doesn't help. Is that a thing for some processors?

I have 850W supply so it should be enough. ]😀

So you're saying that you can have a stable system, and then increase voltage (without changing anything else) and it becomes unstable?

How high are you setting voltage? I'm assuming you're setting a manual voltage (not offset)?

Everything I've read suggests you're much better off prioritizing core overclock over cache overclock. What voltage did you increase when trying to overclock your cache?
Well, not really stable.
It can work for some time, temperatures are OK, benchmarks doing good - even Prime95, and then suddenly bloop - restart when creating a new tab in Firefox or starting AH scan in WoW.
I've gone to manual 1.36 and even to 1.39 with 4.5GHz to vCore. And it was less stable than now - set to auto, staying under 1.3, but still - just got a restart.
Right now I've set it to 4.4 core and 4.2 cache because I'd like to go to dungeon.

Just wondering if there is some variable in BIOS which limits wattage for example, that I should change.

Load-line calibration?