Computer shut down won't turn back on

Oct 12, 2018
So while playing A game my PC shut down (Not a power outage everything in the house is fine) so I waited an hour for it to cool down cause the CPU was hot and now it won't turn back on but the little light on the graphics card is on so I'm assuming there's power going through so now what
CPU: AMD FX 8350 (installed 2 months ago
graphics card: Asus STRIX RX Radeon 470 4GB
Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section. Thanks in advance
if there is no power then as I said the problem can occur due to two things.
1. Power source failure
2. Mainboard failure.

If you have a led display on the mainboard which shows the error code you can need to check it. Some mainboard used to have it on the lower area. If there is this display check whether it has an error code on it. If not and as you have indicated there is no beeping sound you have to check the power source first this is the easy part as it can be replaced easily and if you have a friend aroudd your can barrow one from it is better. (I am not an expert however sometimes the GPU led can also be lit as they need a very low voltage).

If everything is ok with the PSU then second option is the mainboard.

As I was playing a game it just shut down on me no warning or no signs of the game slowing down or anything the CPU was making its usual noises. about 30 minutes afterwards I opened it up and the heatsink was hot to the touch so I waited an hour for it to cool down then applied some thermal paste and still nothing

Nope no smell of burning or anything like that I checked the cables they look fine. It's A prebuilt PC that I upgraded over time so the power supply is about 5 years old maybe? After doing some digging it seems the issue is more likely then not the power supply being goofed for 1 reason or another but like I said no burning or anything like that
the last time I had a similar problem with my PC (which was a Phenom II 945) the mainboard was gone. However in my case the CPU was cold. I took my pc to a hardware store, make it tested there indicating I will be replacing parts from their store and they found that the mainboard was the issue.

So the easy way to check is if you hear some beeping when you turn on the computer your mainboard can still be active. İf there is no sound the mainboard can be faulty as when turned on the BIOS checkes everything and make beeping sounds to indicate the problem.

My bet is on mainboard. however your CPU should also be checked as if it was too hot to touch than it also can be broken too.

No like literally nothing I Press the power button and nothing happens and I know the power cords are properly plugged in cause the little GPU light is on
if there is no power then as I said the problem can occur due to two things.
1. Power source failure
2. Mainboard failure.

If you have a led display on the mainboard which shows the error code you can need to check it. Some mainboard used to have it on the lower area. If there is this display check whether it has an error code on it. If not and as you have indicated there is no beeping sound you have to check the power source first this is the easy part as it can be replaced easily and if you have a friend aroudd your can barrow one from it is better. (I am not an expert however sometimes the GPU led can also be lit as they need a very low voltage).

If everything is ok with the PSU then second option is the mainboard.