[SOLVED] Computer shutting down randomly during games and won't turn back on. I cant figure out what is wrong.

Jul 7, 2022
I bought a friends old pc after he upgraded and it still had a few parts left in it. I bought all the parts to finish it and we got it running but since then the pc has been acting up only when i play games on it. I can barely play a game for 10 minutes without it completely shutting down and it won't turn back on until the psu is unplugged or I turn the switch off. This is the first pc I've had so I'm not sure what is wrong with it .

My specs:
CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 (along with the stock fan it came with)
GPU: Sapphire Radeon RX 580 8 GB NITRO+
PSU: EVGA W1 600 W 80+ Certified ATX
Ram: TEAMGROUP T-Create classic 16 GB (2 x 8) DDR4 3200
Case: Thermaltake Versa H18 MicroAtx Mini Tower Case
Link to all pc parts: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/y2N4Nc

My pc tends to shut off when playing for about 5 - 20 minutes in a game. I've experienced this in games such a R6 Siege, Borderlands 2, Yakuza 0 and a few others. But the thing is that for some games such as Minecraft and Payday 2 I can play these for hours without a single issue occurring. Whenever it does shut down my pc will refuse to turn back on no matter what unless the psu has been unplugged or turned off. I've reset BIOS settings, reinstalled drivers and changed power plans, but nothing has helped and it is driving me crazy with how the problem remains.
Which parts were already present, used, and which ones did you buy new? Specifically though, that W1 power supply is the primary culprit and I've LITERALLY seen and helped with 50-100 threads over the years here where an N1, W1 or B1 EVGA power supply was the cause of a variety of problems including many exactly like yours. If you recently bought that, then return it, because it's a giant piece of crap.

Clearly outlined in my guide:

Also listed (As it should be) on Tier 4 (Only use for very basic systems with integrated graphics) in the "Low priority" section on the PSU cultists list. And well known by all...
Which parts were already present, used, and which ones did you buy new? Specifically though, that W1 power supply is the primary culprit and I've LITERALLY seen and helped with 50-100 threads over the years here where an N1, W1 or B1 EVGA power supply was the cause of a variety of problems including many exactly like yours. If you recently bought that, then return it, because it's a giant piece of crap.

Clearly outlined in my guide:

Also listed (As it should be) on Tier 4 (Only use for very basic systems with integrated graphics) in the "Low priority" section on the PSU cultists list. And well known by all veteran members of various forums as a real troublemaker much like the old Thermaltake TR2 units.

I wouldn't even bother looking for your problem anywhere else until you've replaced that with a higher quality model.
The parts that were in at the time of buying it were the Mobo, Cpu, Gpu, and ram, the parts that i bought were the Psu, fans, and SSD + HDD. Those parts were bought on June 19th
Replacing the poorly chosen PSU -- since you just bought it, you can get a refund rather than send it for recycling -- is the obvious first place to check. As noted, it's really not worth going deeper until that's removed from the equation because it should be replaced under any and all circumstances.
Return or replace the PSU and go from there. Hasn't even been 30 days so in most countries, especially the US, you should be able to take it directly back to the retailer for a refund.
I got all those parts from Best Buy and on their website they only have a 15 day return policy so ill try to see if i can return it but im not 100% sure that ill be able to. But for the new psu I've ordered the Corsair CX-F RGB and it'll arrive tomorrow