[SOLVED] Computer slower after CPU upgrade, is overheating the problem?


Nov 3, 2015
So I upgraded my Dell Precision T7160 from a Intel Xeon E5-2609V2 to a Intel Xeon E5-2630V2 & at first everything seemed fine & there was a performance jump. But now everything seems to run slow with bits of stutter from time to time. I ran a Prime95 CPU stress test & watched temperatures for about 10 minutes to check for overheating & throttling. Here's from before the test at near idle & then at the end of the 10 minutes of the test:

Before Test: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=UXpGV3VtSmdCNjM1T001ekhMaUExZ2dOQUd2M3hB

End of Test: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=bEZ0b2haSE4teTl1Y2RPbTZxY2dEaDBqdzM1cXhR

Does it look like my CPU is over heating in anyway?
So I upgraded my Dell Precision T7160 from a Intel Xeon E5-2609V2 to a Intel Xeon E5-2630V2 & at first everything seemed fine & there was a performance jump. But now everything seems to run slow with bits of stutter from time to time. I ran a Prime95 CPU stress test & watched temperatures for about 10 minutes to check for overheating & throttling. Here's from before the test at near idle & then at the end of the 10 minutes of the test:

Before Test: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=UXpGV3VtSmdCNjM1T001ekhMaUExZ2dOQUd2M3hB

End of Test: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1...?key=bEZ0b2haSE4teTl1Y2RPbTZxY2dEaDBqdzM1cXhR

Does it look like my CPU is over heating in anyway?
The temperature still normal, similar with my Xeon.
Have you re instal the windows after upgrade CPU ?