Computer suddenly stopped detecting GPU

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Sep 8, 2018
Around about 2 weeks ago I was just using my computer as usual, watching videos when it just powered down (NOTE: the shutdown was possibly caused by a light power surge/dip as my sister reported that a light on her laptop charger went out, only to come on seconds later) and then powered back up within about 5 seconds.

With the power back up there was no output to my monitors and the power from my usb ports was fluttering (my keyboard and mouse LEDs lit up and then powered down, my microphone led doing the same, and my phone recieving power and then losing it, only to repeat the cycle moments later)

Powered down and back up multiple times to no avail, I only got the adaptors necesary to check all of the other display ports on my pc (Dvi port on motherboard and gpu and displayports on gpu)

I checked in device manager and saw that it didnt detect my gpu (Rx480) and used DDU to uninstall my drivers and now the card isnt showing up at all in device manager.

I've already taken out the card and replaced it, making sure all of the PCI-E cables were connected.

I'm really lost and am just hoping my card didnt just die on me.
One thing that happened to me multiple times to me, if i use onboard and use my main monitor for some testing, after connecting back, it would not recognize the GPU at all (RX 480 reference), after clearing cmos, and starting up after cmos, no detection, but after pressing restart once It would detect, for some odd reason...
First, try clearing cmos.
Unplug psu from wall, find shiny battery, remove it, switch psu on (note not plugged into wall, but switch the switch from 0 to 1), press and hold power button for 30s, switch psu off, plug back battery, plug power to psu, switch it on and try.

Second would be trying in another system the gpu.

It could be that if power went down because maybe because of the power dip, look on sticker of psu (or better take picture of it, upload to image hosting site, then link it here), that if the psu is rated for example only 200-240V, that if ac went under 200V spec, the 12V rail spiked up and probably killed/damaged your gpu, but then it should damage other components.

If you are unable to test gpu in another system, you can try asking nicley computer shop/repair to test gpu for you (ask reputable one).
Sep 8, 2018

will try that as soon as I can, should mention that it lights up fine, fans weren't spinning but that could be a temperature case
One thing that happened to me multiple times to me, if i use onboard and use my main monitor for some testing, after connecting back, it would not recognize the GPU at all (RX 480 reference), after clearing cmos, and starting up after cmos, no detection, but after pressing restart once It would detect, for some odd reason...
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